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Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 9:23 am
by Blonde_Metal04
Personally, I am the kind of person who is not afraid to post pictures of my teeth/ myself online. I feel like the web is an extension of the world, and I go out into the world everyday. It's not like people know my address or what university I attend. That being said, I feel that yes, pictures are a good way to post your progress, and let everyone see exactly what you are talking about, but, we will still support you, even without the pictures. And, you can STILL take pictures for your own personal use, and just describe to us how it is going. Either way, no one is here to judge you, and we back you uo 100%!


Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 10:14 am
by cmm1280
Before locating this website, I would have to say that I would never have even THOUGHT to put a picture of my crazy teeth on a website. :shock: But as you may have noticed, seeing other's progress is quite amazing. It's great to see proof that even as an adult teeth can be moved. I know that seeing other's photos have helped me commit to getting braces at 25. (I still have another 2 mths until they go on). But I know now, that once I get them on, I want to be able to see my progress. I am so anxious to actually SEE the progress unfold.

**Just a thanks to all who do post photos that are inspirational others.

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 1:28 pm
by joney
Thanks everyone for all your replies. I knew everyone would be supportive which is what makes this such a good place. Thanks Lynn.

I'll see how it goes with my progress once I have the brace on and my teeth start moving. At the moment it is hard to imagine change but I have seen amazing progress on this site so unless I am some sort of medical fluke I imagine my experience will be the same and I'll be so excited that I'll want to share it with everybody. I think it was just the shock of seeing my teeth in all their glory that shocked me. :shock: Most of us wouldn't normally have a big closeup photo of our top and bottom teeth so it is a pretty strange experience seeing them like this for the first time. Thanks again for the support.


Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 1:31 pm
by jcdamon3
I guess the other reason I haven't posted pics is because I didn't take pictures in the beginning. Also I doubt my story would be inspirational to anyone. I thought my teeth were pretty straight and I just got braces for my bite. I am a bit worried that my teeth will look worse now that they are straighter. I know, sounds stupid huh? I am paying all this money for me teeth to look worse? Well I am hoping that all this is incentive for me to really make sure that I wear a night guard from now on so that my teeth are not damaged any longer. All this has really made me realize more about how much damage was actually done.

So in the END, I am hoping to get my before pics from my ortho and then show my completely done smile. And then if I get any restorations done I will be showing those off too!