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Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 6:12 am
by Joanna20
Hey! They are not that bad! I hope it all goes well for you!


Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:09 am
by joney
samantha lou you made me blush. :oops: I honestly can't imagine anyone thinking my teeth had any redeeming qualities, although, touch wood, they are strong and healthy. My family laughed, I suppose they could never imagine me with a "hollywood smile". Not that they are being mean, they love me crooked teeth or not.

Kodius Champion, it's good to know that I have a tooth twin out there even if it is all the way to Canada. As Tolstoy said "all straight sets of teeth resemble one another; each crooked set of teeth are crooked in their own way" or was he talking about families? Just being silly here, nice to know that I am not unique in my crookedness. Glad that things are going well with you. Hope the bottoms start responding soon for you.

Bill, I am so happy for you. :D I'm sure I would be elated too if the chaos in my mouth were sorted out. Did you ever post pics? I had a look but couldn't find any.

Joanna, thanks for the good wishes


Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 11:11 am
by bill
No pictures....i could never share that smile with even close family members let alone the worlds on the internet.

My top teeth looked very similar to yours. Today I smile a LOT! I hope you have the same experience!

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 1:13 pm
by sjsarre
Hi joney

I was exactly the same as you... Took the photo's and couldn't believe that I was actually posting them for people to see...

But you feel so much better once its done.. Like you I suffer from severe crowding and i've had four teeth extracted.

I can see from the shape of your teeth that you are going to have a smile to be proud of once you are finished...
