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Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 4:06 pm
by Kodius Champion
Thanks for the input all, it's good to hear about your own experiences.

Hey Joney, that's kind of eerie -- same tooth alignment, same lack of extractions, same thought regarding others ... you're not a Beatles-freak, action-figure-collecting chemist too, are ya? :lol:

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 4:25 pm
by joney
Hi Kodius Champion
you're not a Beatles-freak, action-figure-collecting chemist too, are ya?
I'm afraid the answer is no to the above. :D I'm a 41 year old Mum of two teenagers. I work in the public sector. From the 60's I like the Doors and CCR but the Beatles are pretty cool too. I do work with a great guy who collects action figures however! Also my brother is a comic art collector.

I was reading through some of your earlier posts and you mentioned that you might need surgery as you have an overbite. I have what I think is an openbite so this may be where we differ. From what I've read here it seems most openbite people need surgery so I am still confused. Are you still scheduled to have your surgery?

I'm still not sure how the ortho is going to fix everything but he did say at my initial examination that he didn't want to do extractions except for one on the top as I mentioned. I was pretty ignorant of the whole brace thing at that time and only afterwards started researching and found this excellent site. I'm off for x-rays, impressions, etc. tomorrow. I suppose that things will become clearer when I have the consult afterwards. Not sure when that will be but I will book it tomorrow.


Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 5:15 pm
by Kodius Champion
Are you still scheduled to have your surgery?
Yeah, tentative date is May 4th, 2007. I have four wisdom teeth that need to come out, all of which are still living in my jawbone. (The uppers are slanted, but the bottom ones are literally sideways) Also, my lower jaw will likely need to be brought forward, to correct the overbite, even after all the alignment is completed. There exists a possibility that the braces may correct everything so that surgery isn't required, but that possibility is pretty small. :(

Have fun tomrrow!

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:20 pm
by Samantha08
Well, I havent had any extractions at all and all I had was crowding lol! I had my wisdom teeth out before though, but that was before I ever thought about getting braces. But if you dont count that, then I havent had any extractions.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 8:03 pm
by Flora2006
No extractions for me either.

It depends for each case...if you have serious crowding...than an extraction is likely to happen...but if your teeth have room, there is no real reason to get teeth out.

The best person to tell you about all these things is your ortho :)

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 2:02 am
by Drama Queen
I didn't need any extractions. I don't have any wisdom teeth - lucky me! My ortho just told me that he will file my teeth to make a little room if needed, which is fine by me. Having been in braces for a month and a half now I have already noticed gaps between my teeth, just from the archwire, that weren't there before, so all in all this helps to correct my slight crowding and open bite.

Lau xx

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 9:27 am
by joney
It seems I spoke to soon. After x-ray etc. evaluation it seems I will need one upper and one lower extraction (sob!). Never mind, if it needs to be done then I guess I'll have to go with it.

Fingers crossed that the braces wil do their job for you Kodius Champion and you can skip the surgery for the lower jawbone.


Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 6:00 pm
by MBell

I just had my braces put on yesterday 27.09.06 - I have crowding on the upper and lower front teeth. I was to surprised to not have to have any extractions, particuarly on my lower teeth. I have to have my wisdom teeth removed at end of treatment.

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 6:54 pm
by Dovechild20
I get my braces put on this Friday and I will have no extractions. I have had other orthodontists tell me a minimum of 4 teeth would have to be extracted, but this ortho says i dont need that. My wisdom teeth have come in and I also have EXTRA wisdom teeth (Im special, lol) and my ortho said that its up to ME whether I ever want to take them out or not.

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 7:44 pm
by Mmmmuuaa
My otho said I should have 2 extractions which sounded fine, I didn't know much then about braces. Then I talked to a girl who said she didn't get extractions and then she'd have a fuller smile. This sounded great so I talked to my ortho who said that it would be no problem for me to have no extractions but then I'd just need to wear elastics to correct my bite rather. Well I'd much rather wear elastics. I have both my wisdom teeth out on my right side but still have 2 on my left side which I asked him about and he said they could stay in no problem. I get braced in about 2 weeks, I'm very excited.

No extractions for me either

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 8:15 pm
by Julie08
I'm not having any extractions - no wisdom teeth ever appeared on the bottom, and the oral surgeon recommended leaving the upper wisdom teeth alone - they are impacted so far up and sideways and have probably been that way for 25 years. The rest of my teeth are (too) small, i(n my opinion,) so that's probably why they all fit in my mouth without extractions being necessary. So I figure if you need extractions, you probably have nice big choppers - and that's a good thing!