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Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:24 am
by KathleenH
Absolutely. The entire process has been great. I have never had a canceled appointment; I have never had to wait beyond my appointment time; at each visit, I am told how long the next visit will be, and it's never gone longer; the assistants have all been friendly and professional (except one, and she was gone within the month); and they did a great job! I couldn't be happier with the results, and I would (and have!) recommend the office to anyone.

It's a two-doc practice, and both docs see each patient on a regular basis. I loved the fact that it was a common treatment room - I was able to see other patients in various stages of treatment. I could always look around and think, "That'll be me in a few months," or "I am glad I'm past that stage." And I was able to see that many other adults were going through the process as well, which was very comforting.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 6:44 am
by JennThompson79
Even though my ortho has offices in 3 different towns, and isn't always in the one I go to, I would DEFINATELY choose him again if need be. As a matter of fact, I have referred several people to him, and have taken my daughter to him for her consultations. He is wonderful!!! He called me at home in the evening both after getting spacers in, and after getting the braces on. He calls to check after every adjustment. He has gone above and beyond in that not only do I have phone numbers for all 3 offices, I have his home and cell phone numbers as well to reach him in an emergency no matter where he is. I have never had a cancelled appointment, and have never had to wait past my appointment time to be seen. He even volunteered to sponser my parks and rec cheerleaders so that they could get uniforms. And, he comes to home games once in a while. As a matter of fact, he makes it a family outing with his wife and children, and the whole office staff comes, then they all go out to dinner afterward. His bedside manner is just amazing, even my daughter (who is terrified of any type of doctor) just loves him and was completely relaxed within seconds of meeting him. We LOVE LOVE LOVE him

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 8:21 am
by victory1
No, for me. I would go with a different Ortho. The office is slow and the assistants do most of the work. Each appointment takes over 2 hours (1hour and 45 minutes of it is just waiting) And I'm at the end of my treatment and I've been getting the other ortho (not the one I started with for the 1st 12 months), and she sucks. So Nanston Dental Group in Snellville SUCKS!!

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:02 pm
by bckydgardnr
My ortho is terrific. He has an extremely busy practice, but I never wait when I go in for my appointments, even if they are emergency appointments. In fact, I usually arrive early and they usually take me early.
The assistants are great as well, very kind and willing to answer questions. My ortho and the assistants are very in tuned to the way to treat people of different ages. It is interesting to watch them treat 7 year olds, versus teenagers, versus people my age. It is an excellent practice and would highly recommend to anyone on the eastern shore of maryland or virginia.


Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 4:57 pm
by onny
Even thu i dont yet have braces applied, i would choose my Ortho again. The only thing that bugs me, is that each appointment takes alot of waiting time, even for a simple thing 6 weeks :( So the start of the treatment got stretched quite a long time, but i could prepare nice in that time anyway.

Before I went to several other orthos (we have like 250 in town, so lots of choices^^) and some just didnt fit me, but this one is nice. I felt it the first minutes i was there, she understood whats wrong, explained that its possible to fix it all and the price wasnt as astronomical as others, in fact considering its braces for 3 years with all kind of extras, its cheap.

The Office is small, mostly just the Doc and a helper, rarly many ppl waiting in the waiting room. The Doc takes alot of time for you, explains u all u want to know carefully, explains additional stuff about hygiene (even to much, 3 meetings just about that before even being braced, kinda boring :P) but that proofes that the doc is concerned about ones health. I feel very well there, and would go there everytime again. Im treated there because i carefully chose the office anyway. And everyone else should choose it carefully too =)

One more thing: Last time we spoke about the treatment plan and she highly suggested getting the wisdom teeth extracted, i asked for not letting it done and she said that its totaly up to me, BUT it would raise the costs, the time and the effort and wouldnt be worth it at all, and even worse at a later point those teeth could interfere with the others and make them crowd again. but its up to me (ofc i get them extracted) Its all my choice there, i love that office...

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 6:56 pm
by ssfw
I would choose my orthodontist again in a heartbeat. In fact there are 2 orthos in my office, brothers, and they are both wonderful. The orthos and staff are all so kind and supportive. They all take the time to answer my questions and you can tell that they feel the patient comes first. With all of this, a person can't help but enjoy their ortho treatment, which I do. I have dealt with both orthos, depends on the day I go/which ortho is available, and a person can't help but like them. I never feel rushed at my appts. If there is an emergency, they try their best to get you in as soon as possible, sometimes within a few minutes. I would highly recommend my orthos to others.

I was glad to read so many posts of people that felt the same way about their orthos.
