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Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 3:09 pm
by Gennel
I used to be a little that way also. I rarely flossed and when I did it was only because something was stuck and I could not get it out with a toothpick! I always brushed 2-3 times a day and used rinse. I USED to think that when rinsed with water and nothing came out that it meant that I had nothing else in there! Well many ,many years of doing this I am now 36 and ended up getting a serious deep cleaning "root scaling" done which was NO fun!

It is ultimately your choice but I totally agree with KK ,why pay so much money and then not do your part? I hate my cleaning routine because it takes longer now. I brush 3-5 times a day,use my waterpik 2 times a day with 1capful of peroxide. I floss at least once a day everyday.Once you're in braces you have to do just a little more to keep your teeth,brackets as clean as possible. My worst nightmare would be getting my braces off and realiazing I have some cavities!


Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 6:56 pm
by Jillianleab
My worst nightmare would be getting my braces off and realiazing I have some cavities!
That reminds me - I have a friend who got baces when she was 19 or 20. She had never had a cavity in her life, and wasn't very dilligent about her dental care. When she got her braces off and went to her dentist for a cleaning, guess what they found? TWO cavities that developed in the time she had her braces (about 18 months)!

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 9:01 am
by Kris721

I also have a friend who swears that wearing braces gave him cavities. He works in a dentist's office as an office manager so he was extremely regular with his cleanings (since they were free). After about 9-12 months in braces, he had a mouth full of cavities. He says it was the bands around his molars and that they weren't tight enough against his teeth and allowed debris to get between the bands and his teeth. I don't know if that was the case, but he swears that braces cause cavities. I agree that poor orthodontics can contribute as much as poor hygiene. I don't have any cavities currently and I certainly don't want them after the expense of braces!


Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 9:29 am
by iBorg
The first time I was in braces, I had poor oral hygene. The ortho didn't seem to care. A few years after my bands were removed, I needed a root canal to repair damage from one of the bands. I often wonder if flossing would have helped.

This time around I guess I'm paranoid to be sure I take care of my teeth. After the hassle, discomfort and money, I want my teeth to be beuatiful, my TMJ to be minimal and my grinding not damaging my teeth. If flossing is part of the requirements to do it, I'll do it.

Plus, my mouth feels so much cleaner!


Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 10:18 am
by stRaighteR
i used to floss every now and then, and brushed twice a day...after my first cavity, i started brushing, rinsing and flossing after every has truly become an obssession...but everything in moderation, b/c i believe my overzealous flossing has caused me some problems...

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:47 pm
by no_more_jujubees_4_me
Matty_Oz i'd encourage you to keep it up. One of the many things i love about my husband is how meticulously clean he keeps his mouth. The thought of ever kissing someone who doesn't floss makes me want to yak! There's decaying stuff in there! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!


Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:24 pm
by sjsarre
I've never flossed. Mainly because my teeth were so tight together that I couldn't floss. And i've not had any issues with my gums thus far.

I haven't flossed since I got my braces on. Although I do use an adjustment on my leccytoothbrush which has long bristles which get into all the nooks and crannys.

My dentist and Ortho say i'm doing an excellent job of oral hygiene and when I went to the hygienist last year she said that she was surprised at how clean my teeth were due to the crowding.

I always use a fluoride mouthwash, three times a day. Something I have been doing for the past 10-15 years so maybe thats the reason.

I'm meticulous about cleaning my teeth. Maybe once my brace is off then I will start to floss properly but at the moment I seem to be doing ok. If my Ortho told me that he wasn't happy with my hygiene then obviously I would start to floss straight away.

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 6:55 pm
by SecondTimer
If a dentist ever mentions that you are experiencing bone loss on your x-rays, you'd better start flossing! The cost for a couple of flap surgeries can rival the cost of braces, plus it's very painful.

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:29 pm
by sjsarre
Both my parents have never flossed but are very diligent with cleaning their teeth. They are both in their mid sixties and have all their teeth still and very few fillings.

I do believe teeth strength and fillings etc etc are maybe a hereditory trait.

Some people suffer more than others. I've had two sets of xrays taken one before my brace journey started and one not so long ago and the Ortho says they are great. No problems whatsoever

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:58 pm
by lionfish
sjsarre wrote:
I do believe teeth strength and fillings etc etc are maybe a hereditory trait.
A couple of points.

In the first instance, if you didn't grow up with fluoride in the water supply (as was my case) you were immediately at a disadvantage about which you could do very little. Most of my contemporaries have at least some fillings.

Furthermore, no matter how strong your teeth are, you still have to look after them. My folks never looked after their teeth and my dad lost the lot at by the time he was in his 60's (he had gum flaps done, a propos of secondtimer's post, and it was a most painful affair). I'd rather floss.

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:42 pm
by sjsarre
I'm not against flossing at all. If I was told that my oral hygiene was not up to scratch then I would floss, and i'm sure once my teeth have moved sufficiently that I can actually get a flossing device in then I will do it.

Last time the hygienist gave up trying to floss my teeth. Maybe when I go next time she will try again and be successful...
