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I have been wearing elastics since day 1 and it looks like I will wear them during the whole treatment. I got used to them right away and it actually feels weird when I take them off to eat or brush my teeth, I guess I like the feeling of it (weird)
Tortor, I also have crossbite elastics to fix my crossbite it goes from the inside of two of my top molars to the outside of a bottom molar ( so it forms a triangle) on the left and on the right it goes from the inside of the top molar to the outside of the bottom molar ( I hope that makes sense)
You will get used to them pretty quick.
Tortor, I also have crossbite elastics to fix my crossbite it goes from the inside of two of my top molars to the outside of a bottom molar ( so it forms a triangle) on the left and on the right it goes from the inside of the top molar to the outside of the bottom molar ( I hope that makes sense)
You will get used to them pretty quick.

I've had elastics for a total of about 9 of my 17 months in braces so far and I have to agree, I feel strange when they are not in. I originally had one elastic on each side to correct my Class III - did a great job. Now I have 3 on each side to bring my molars down so they touch properly. Again, they have done a great job. My advice to anyone who has elastics (or any other device for that matter - I also had 2 different removable expanders) is to wear them EXACTLY as instructed. The more you wear them the sooner you get used to them. Once you are used to them wearing is not an issue and they can do what they were intended to do - give you a great smile!
Flaka,Flaka wrote:I have been wearing elastics since day 1 and it looks like I will wear them during the whole treatment. I got used to them right away and it actually feels weird when I take them off to eat or brush my teeth, I guess I like the feeling of it (weird)
Tortor, I also have crossbite elastics to fix my crossbite it goes from the inside of two of my top molars to the outside of a bottom molar ( so it forms a triangle) on the left and on the right it goes from the inside of the top molar to the outside of the bottom molar ( I hope that makes sense)
You will get used to them pretty quick.
I thought it was so strange that I recieved crossbite elastics. I was never told I have a crossbite and by the way my teeth look, I dont think I have one. Are there any other reasons for them? I am in braces as preparation for jaw surgery. I knew my bite was gonna get worse as they "decompensated" my teeth, but I've only had the crossbite elastics for 3 days and my bite has gotten ALOT WORSE!! I pretty much have an open bite and only a few molars touch in the back now.
What exactly do the crossbite elastics do? does anyone know?

This has been an interesting topic for me. I don't have elastics - yet. My ortho hasn't said anything about them, but I have the brackets with the hooks so I know they're coming. I had no idea there were so many ways to configure elastics. I will have to ask my ortho about them the next time I go in.
tortor - I would adopt from an animal shelter if I ever had a desire for another pet. I live in the country, and the strays just keep showing up! (Or getting dumped...) These critters keep piling up, and I now have four cats and a dog. I just can't say no to a pathetic looking stray!
tortor - I would adopt from an animal shelter if I ever had a desire for another pet. I live in the country, and the strays just keep showing up! (Or getting dumped...) These critters keep piling up, and I now have four cats and a dog. I just can't say no to a pathetic looking stray!
Click on WWW to see my braces story.
August 16, 2007 - Braced on top
January 3, 2008 - Braced on bottom

August 16, 2007 - Braced on top
January 3, 2008 - Braced on bottom

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- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2008 4:45 pm
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I have had elastics since day one, in three different arrangments so far... and I have been told I will probably be getting "boxes" soon -- I am seen tomorrow for my next adjustment. I have had my elastics literally cross over my teeth and I used to bite them in half, then have to change them, and it would happen all over again! I have also been told I will have elastics throughout my ENTIRE treatment... which is expected to be around another 13months.
I wore cross bite elastics for the first 5 or so months of treatment. Mine were from the back of one molar to the front of the one beneath it. They have been taken off currently... but who knows... These were the ones I bit through at night in the beginning, so they just tripled the strength of them and told me to do my best. I still bit them off until my teeth moved enough
You have what are called triangles (from what I can tell from your description) and I have them right now. I have to wear them 24-7 and mine are doubled (wearing 2 elastics at the same time) because I talk excessively at my job and they break too easily. I also have rather strong elastics, Rams (which are 6oz strength).
- Yes, you can wear them talking. Your lisp will go away with practice and the drooling might come and go... but should get better overall.
- Yes, you can wear them IN NORMAL SITUATIONS such as talking, working, exercising, and functioning in public. I have even worn mine to job interviews! I just wear clear ones and don't pay any attention to them because they are a decision I have chosen to make for my health.
- Do they look funny, well... I have seen other elastic configs that are a heck lot worse!
I wore cross bite elastics for the first 5 or so months of treatment. Mine were from the back of one molar to the front of the one beneath it. They have been taken off currently... but who knows... These were the ones I bit through at night in the beginning, so they just tripled the strength of them and told me to do my best. I still bit them off until my teeth moved enough

You have what are called triangles (from what I can tell from your description) and I have them right now. I have to wear them 24-7 and mine are doubled (wearing 2 elastics at the same time) because I talk excessively at my job and they break too easily. I also have rather strong elastics, Rams (which are 6oz strength).
- Yes, you can wear them talking. Your lisp will go away with practice and the drooling might come and go... but should get better overall.
- Yes, you can wear them IN NORMAL SITUATIONS such as talking, working, exercising, and functioning in public. I have even worn mine to job interviews! I just wear clear ones and don't pay any attention to them because they are a decision I have chosen to make for my health.
- Do they look funny, well... I have seen other elastic configs that are a heck lot worse!
Hi Tortor,
It was strange to go in to the office the first time to get the braces and come out with elastics because I wasn't expecting them to be put on the very first day. My ortho's priority during the first phase of the treatment is to fix my bite and widen my top and bottom arches. I am not 100% sure but I believe that crossbite elastics are also worn to widen arches (maybe I am wrong) but thats what my treatment plan says " crossbite elastics to widen lower and upper arch"
If you aren't sure why you have to wear the elastics, give you ortho a call and ask about it. You are in your right to know
It was strange to go in to the office the first time to get the braces and come out with elastics because I wasn't expecting them to be put on the very first day. My ortho's priority during the first phase of the treatment is to fix my bite and widen my top and bottom arches. I am not 100% sure but I believe that crossbite elastics are also worn to widen arches (maybe I am wrong) but thats what my treatment plan says " crossbite elastics to widen lower and upper arch"
I understand you there, my bite feels really weird right now and I have a sligthly open bite in my front right side which wasn't there before, but on the bright side I noticed my crossbite is getting better. I guess it feels "worse" because we got used to having bad bites forever that we will never noticed anymore and now that everything is moving into place, it feels strange.knew my bite was gonna get worse as they "decompensated" my teeth, but I've only had the crossbite elastics for 3 days and my bite has gotten ALOT WORSE!! I pretty much have an open bite and only a few molars touch in the back now.
If you aren't sure why you have to wear the elastics, give you ortho a call and ask about it. You are in your right to know

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- Joined: Thu Apr 05, 2007 8:18 pm
- Location: Sutter, CA
I have the same configuration as shoezy except mine are anchored on my incisor (not the front two teeth but the ones next to them). They are of course attached to the back molars on the bottom.
My teeth are straight at this point but I have a slight overjet. My ortho said I will be in them for hopefully 3 months. I just got them on today. I'm worried that the force is going to pull off my crown (It's on a molar). I've already had it pop off once when I had a retraction wire. Is it likely to happen again? I'm hoping this means I am at the end of my treatment as my top teeth have been straight and gap free for almost a year and the bottoms have been straight and gap free for a month. Am I being realistic? Or do most people find they stay in braces for quite some time after the elastics come off and their teeth are straight?
I'm proud of myself because I made a tough decision. He was willing to take off my upper braces if I was ok with my overjet (I'd guess 2-3 mm?) It is rather small and he said it wasn't that far outside of normal but I decided to ride out the elastics instead. This was a big step for me, but if I'm going to do this I'm going to do this all the way! I'm just hoping I didn't just add 6 months to my braces when I was almost done! I'm coming up on 2 years in several months and he estimated it would be 2 years or less.
My teeth are straight at this point but I have a slight overjet. My ortho said I will be in them for hopefully 3 months. I just got them on today. I'm worried that the force is going to pull off my crown (It's on a molar). I've already had it pop off once when I had a retraction wire. Is it likely to happen again? I'm hoping this means I am at the end of my treatment as my top teeth have been straight and gap free for almost a year and the bottoms have been straight and gap free for a month. Am I being realistic? Or do most people find they stay in braces for quite some time after the elastics come off and their teeth are straight?
I'm proud of myself because I made a tough decision. He was willing to take off my upper braces if I was ok with my overjet (I'd guess 2-3 mm?) It is rather small and he said it wasn't that far outside of normal but I decided to ride out the elastics instead. This was a big step for me, but if I'm going to do this I'm going to do this all the way! I'm just hoping I didn't just add 6 months to my braces when I was almost done! I'm coming up on 2 years in several months and he estimated it would be 2 years or less.
I have one elastic which is pulling a canine down and closing a bit of an open bite and it has literally pulled one side of my bottom teeth up! they're on a bit of a slant now it looks a bit odd.
It's interesting to hear about the cross-bite elastics because I have a cross bite on one side but I have a quad-helix expander so i'm not sure if i'll need the elastics
It's interesting to hear about the cross-bite elastics because I have a cross bite on one side but I have a quad-helix expander so i'm not sure if i'll need the elastics

HAHA! I am the same way!! I cannot wait to be in elastics and to finally have a normal bite! I had trauma to my lower jaw when I was 3 years old, that caused my jaw to move backwards cause me to have an overbite. I am just praying elastics will be able to bring it forward again.YRhino wrote:I may be a total freak but I can't wait until I start to wear elastics. In my mind, the sooner the elastics go on, the sooner my teeth will be straight and I will have a beautiful smile! I don't care if the elastics are in the shape of a chinese checker board, bring it on!! Ha ha!
My little hooks on my brackets just waiting to be used!

Yesterday was my LAST day in elastics... (I HOPE hahaha)
I think my hubby hated them more than me, because of how goofy they looked. I wore elastics for 11 months, 24-7!!!! buh-byeee, so-long!!!
On my last day in elastics I went to see Sex and the City movie. Laughing at Charlotte, I snapped and broke my triangle config and it flew out of my mouth and hit my sister in the face.
sigh, oooooh , the good times....

I think my hubby hated them more than me, because of how goofy they looked. I wore elastics for 11 months, 24-7!!!! buh-byeee, so-long!!!
On my last day in elastics I went to see Sex and the City movie. Laughing at Charlotte, I snapped and broke my triangle config and it flew out of my mouth and hit my sister in the face.
sigh, oooooh , the good times....

I second what Mareyaten said.... If I left my elastics off at any time during my 24-7 treatment (which almost never happened) I would be in WORSE pain and I found I would get an almost immediate wicked headache.
The elastics apply force gradually all day long, then when you take them out the tooth would want to move back to its original spot. back and forth all day long? OUCH!! NO THANKS!
Try to stick to the prescribed time as much as possible... Otherwise you will just be prolonging the torture! Elastics hurt, but they do the job if you do yours : )
The elastics apply force gradually all day long, then when you take them out the tooth would want to move back to its original spot. back and forth all day long? OUCH!! NO THANKS!
Try to stick to the prescribed time as much as possible... Otherwise you will just be prolonging the torture! Elastics hurt, but they do the job if you do yours : )
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I started elastics today (June 5) and so far so good. It was odd to brush with them and also eat with them as well.
http://bracesafter40.blogspot.com/2008_ ... chive.html
I have to wear them 24/7 so it will be interesting.

http://bracesafter40.blogspot.com/2008_ ... chive.html
I have to wear them 24/7 so it will be interesting.

Bridge Sectioned: Feb. 14, 2007
Last Pre-braces cleaning: Feb. 20, 2007
#21 Extraction: Feb. 20, 2007
Sentenced: 32 months
Top Braced: Feb 28, 2007
Bottom Braced: Apr. 4, 2007
New Ortho on Apr. 25, 2008
May 6; fluorescent blue ligs incl. upper powerchains. 2 elastics; Sept. 2, 2008.
Next Adj.: July 7, 2009 at 8:30a
Bridge Sectioned: Feb. 14, 2007
Last Pre-braces cleaning: Feb. 20, 2007
#21 Extraction: Feb. 20, 2007
Sentenced: 32 months
Top Braced: Feb 28, 2007
Bottom Braced: Apr. 4, 2007
New Ortho on Apr. 25, 2008
May 6; fluorescent blue ligs incl. upper powerchains. 2 elastics; Sept. 2, 2008.
Next Adj.: July 7, 2009 at 8:30a