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Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:05 pm
by Leslie022
Hmm...I decided to get the Maple Machiatto...I didn't like it much. I was surprised because my usual drink is the Caramel Machiatto. Maybe it will be Pumpkin Spice next time!!

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:16 pm
by lesdents
Well, maybe people will think the orange-y ligs are festive.

You know, sometimes it's kind of liberating to have stained ligs - once they're stained, you feel so free to eat whatever you want and you don't rush to the mirror to see if something stained your teeth!

But then you smile for a photo, not thinking about it, and it comes back to haunt you later!

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 6:59 am
by Ravishing
I was at Starbucks this morning and noticed a little picture advertising a Maple Machiato but it wasn't on the main menu. I'm originally from Canada and all things Maple seem to remind me of home so I ordered it. It didn't stain my ligs at all and it helped a little with the homesickness I've been feeling this week.

All that to say if you're looking for a fall treat that won't stain, I highly recommend getting maple over pumpkin spice!

End rant!

Doh! Just noticed that you already posted about this, Meryaten. I'm such a nerd sometimes!! :roll:

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:01 am
by Kris721
Wwhat about staining with the gingerbread lattes? I can't face the holdiay season without at least 3 per week! If you haven't had one and you like gingerbread, you must try this beverage. They're fabulous!

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 7:07 am
by sonyablade
I took the straw advice and tried another pumpkin spice and it didn't stain the ligs just the new clear elastics that are trying to close the gap of my extracted pre-molar on the bottom- it is kind of orange but nobody can see that since it is on the bottom and in the back. So I definately recommend using a straw and drink away! :D

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 5:52 pm
by nicholeuf
Eh oh! I will stay away from the Pumpkin Spice Latte. I always like trying the new drinks at starbucks.

I'm still hooked on the banana coconut frap. Hopefully they don't take it off the menu!