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Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 6:08 am
by Henna_the_braceface

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 2:29 pm
by Attagirl2
Hi folks. Made it to Tennessee and back ok. Thank you all for the congratulations. As I said before, the bite positioner has really finished off the bite. Unfortunately, when they took off the wires to make the impressions for the bite positoner, my lower left side dropped down a bit - I had been wearing elastics to bring it up. I mentioned this to the orthodontist. The postioner came back with this dip molded into it. Since it took 3 weeks to get the positioner, I used elastics to bring up the left side where it belonged. Long story short, the bite positioner is forcing my left side too low. So on Saturday, I quit wearing it (I was in Tennessee) until I can get to my orthodontist for an adjustment on Monday. I have been checking my upper bite periodically, and it seems to be holding fairly well, so this shouldn't set me back too far. I am to get impressions made for a Hawley retainer on Wednesday, if all goes well.

And Clo, yes I will check in occationally to say hi. As for pictures, I will try tomorrow to get a picture and have it posted in my Avatar - my son takes care of that for me...