Stay away from Western Dental

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#16 Post by KittyW »

Having sued a former dentist myself in the past, I personally would not waste your time contacting the ADA or the Board of Dental Examiners. I learned the hard way that they PROTECT THEIR OWN and could give a rat's booty about the consumer. There is typically a statute of limitations on dental work and the faster you resolve this, the better. You could cc: your correspondence to them after you file a complaint with the California Attorney General's Office.

I hope you can find a private ortho with good recommendation to complete your treatment. :)
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#17 Post by alexa »

Heh. You're preaching to the choir about Western Dental...I'm being treated at one up here.

They day I got braced, they didn't even have the right equipment and I had the ortho having a screaming match with the office clerk complaining that it was ridiculous that they expected her to practice orthodontia with the overbooking and lack of materials that she was being presented with.

The first time I was late with a payment (I think my payment was due on the 5th, my appt. was on the 7th and I got paid n the 6th. I waited until my appt date to pay) they treated me like I was trying to rip them off and for the next 6 or so appointments, they called me out of the waiting room before they examined me to ask if I was actually going to pay them this time.....even when I had already made the payment for that month or the payment wasn't even due yet!!

They scheduled me for Labor Day (I didn't realize it when they made the date....hey, -I- wasn't the one with a calendar in front of my face!!) and they never called me up and explained their screw up. I called myself a couple of days after Labor Day (I called on the day, to just double check if they were open, because it seemed weird...glad I did as it's a $7 roundtrip BART fare to get there) and told them how they had messed up and there was never an apology. They didn't seem the least bit concerned and kind of acted mean and rude with me when I wasn't available for their first open time slot. I work, so sue me!

Every single time I go there, I wait more than 30 minutes after my scheduled time before I get called because they keep their business overbooked because their prices are so cheap. I get it....I'm there myself because of the cost factor....but man, it's practically as bad as waiting in the ER!

All of that negative stuff being said, my ortho is very good at what she does. She is generally friendly, and though she isn't that talkative and doesn't keep me informed unless I ask questions, I can understand that. It's a very pressured environment. Sometimes the ortho area is so packed that she has assistants changing ligs in a regular straight back chair! She tries really hard to do her best with what she has, and I put NO fault on her whatsoever.
Spacers: 1/26/05; 2/6/06; 3/15/06; 4/24/06
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#18 Post by missing_tooth »

I stopped going to Western Dental when I was still going to highschool and under my parents dental plan. I was told I needed one root-canal western dental did it however it was the wrong tooth for the root-canal they did it again yet wrong for the second time and finally the third time they did it right.
How do you screw up that bad? Really. I mean a root canal is for teeth with massive deep decay. How could one even drill to the nerve without realizing your on the wrong tooth? My word.

- Missing Tooth -
Last edited by missing_tooth on Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

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#19 Post by fins »

Sorry about your bad experience. I would also contact the Attorney Generals office in CA. There should be a legal aid system in CA, you pay on a sliding scale so I'd consult with them as well. You could also file a formal complaint with the licensing board in CA.

SDFD TSchott
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#20 Post by SDFD TSchott »

missing_tooth wrote:
I stopped going to Western Dental when I was still going to highschool and under my parents dental plan. I was told I needed one root-canal western dental did it however it was the wrong tooth for the root-canal they did it again yet wrong for the second time and finally the third time they did it right.
How do you screw up that bad? Really. I mean a root canal is for teeth with massive deep decay. How could one even drill to the nerve without realizing your on the wrong tooth? My word.

- Missing Tooth -
Who knows but the anesthetic they used sure did numb me up a ton so I didn't feel a thing but when I went in for a checkup they noticed it was done on the wrong tooth, then they did it again went in for a checkup on that one and they still did it wrong so the third time the dentist did it himself and got it right after two unsucessful trys. I only paid for the one rootcanal so no problem there.

SDFD TSchott


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#21 Post by bbsadmin »

I'm sure that 2 unnecessary root canals were bad enough....but at least they didn't EXTRACT wrong teeth on you! :shock:

True story: when my husband was a kid, his friend's neighbor needed a leg amputated due to a disease or something. The doctors took off the wrong leg. I swear to God. True story. Of course they then had to go back and take off the other leg. Of course, he sued....
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#22 Post by Wired1 »

Maybe a call to the investigative reporters at Fox6 San Diego or Fox11 Tucson might help to shed light on this type of customer abuse and get it fixed... you're probably not alone.

Otherwise, now that you're in AZ, you can contact the office of Senator John McCain for help ( He's known to be helpful to military families.

All the best to you!!
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#23 Post by xtrememkovr »

Some of these posts attacking the 'chains' are kind of making me upset. I go to one of these chains, and i have recieved nothing but kindness and great service. The day after my braces, on a friday night mind you, the office called JUST to make sure everything was ok. I'm sorry some of you had such bad experiences, but let's not diss entire 'chains' please, it makes it sound like you think im getting second best treatment, when im not. Sorry to rant, some of these posts just made me feel bad.
True story: Due to some mental difficulties I can't really get into right now - I avoided dental offices and was very very negligent in taking care of my teeth. Combined with working part time while going to school and never quite having the type of insurance available to handle even physical examinations or vision much less dental - I was more than 5 years delinquent on dental cleanings when I went to W.D. After several nites of constant bleeding gums and pain that would not go away even with the strongest of medicine - I called up several offices to get emergency treatment. I asked for payment plans - I asked for insurance information - I even went so far as to call the county to see if I could be covered under their medical plan. Much red tape later - and many more painful nights later I called WD - and they got me in right away. I signed up with their insurance that very day - and I was treated for periondontal disease as soon as my signature hit the contract. To say that I was relieved is an understatement. I was embarrassed about my teeth - embarrassed about what they might think of a woman who had let herself go to such lengths with out getting proper treatment. They treated me for the most part like a human being - even though a few of my teeth and the calcification on them caused many an eyebrow to raise, let me tell you. I am convinced that I owe this chain of offices my teeth and my health and am so very grateful that I was able to get on with them. There were several other offices that I called that did not offer the type of help and assistance that W.D. did.

I have been to a private office and I have been to a clinic. There are some things I feel lacking in both - for apparently completely different reasons. I think that it is somewhat irresponsible to attach the stigma of bad practice to a clinic environment when there could be several other variables at work (bad management, poor management, insufficient education/training, etc.) - and any of these variables could be apparent at ANY place that provides dental treatment.

I know that for me - WD is my only option for a healthy smile. I have placed much faith in them and though I have had some disappointing appointments (having an expander and not recalling being told about it - and one day in particular where I waited more than 20 minutes to be seen...) - over all I have been treated humanely and fairly. I would recommend my DR to anyone - regardless if they had the option of going to a private clinic or not. Both my dentist and my orthodontist have done right with me and I owe them not only my teeth but my health and improved self esteem as well.

I'm sorry that some people have had bad experiences with the Western Dental in their area/city/state. I have not had the same experience with the Western Dental in my state so I would not subscribe to telling everyone to stay away from them. That, to me, would be slanderous. I will, however, based on the Original Poster's recommendation - alert people to stay away from that particular office.

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#24 Post by alexa »

I know that for me - WD is my only option for a healthy smile. I have placed much faith in them and though I have had some disappointing appointments (having an expander and not recalling being told about it - and one day in particular where I waited more than 20 minutes to be seen...) - over all I have been treated humanely and fairly. I would recommend my DR to anyone - regardless if they had the option of going to a private clinic or not. Both my dentist and my orthodontist have done right with me and I owe them not only my teeth but my health and improved self esteem as well.

I'm sorry that some people have had bad experiences with the Western Dental in their area/city/state. I have not had the same experience with the Western Dental in my state so I would not subscribe to telling everyone to stay away from them. That, to me, would be slanderous. I will, however, based on the Original Poster's recommendation - alert people to stay away from that particular office.

As a Western Dental patient, I agree that the Dr.'s are generally nice, good at what they do and not a problem. I got braced the very day I went in. The problems with Western Dental for me have always been the office staff and the waiting.

My god, the waiting.

I went for an adjustment today. My appt was at 10am, I arrived at 10am and I wasn't seated until nearly 11! That is unacceptable. Considering I had to wait that long just to get a lig change and to fix a molar band, I don't want to even guess how long I'll have to wait the day I get these things off!

I would never say to someone that they should completely cross WD off of their list, because in some cases, it's really your only option. They're very affordable and they will give you no interest financing. I will say that people should be prepared to wait, because due to the affordability the place overbooks. I will also say that if you are going to go to one of their offices, be sure to be very active in your treatment. Ask questions, and don't let them walk away or ignore you. I think if you are vigilant, then it is quite possible to have a tollerable experience there.
Spacers: 1/26/05; 2/6/06; 3/15/06; 4/24/06
4 First Bicuspids removed: 2/2005
Metal Braces, top and bottom: 3/1/05; Debanded 7/26/07
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