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Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 6:26 pm
by onny
Hm if I understand you right, you had small parts stuck under the border of your bands? Because my bands are glued on my molars like they were grown on it. It is absolutely impossible to have a single molecule get stuck under them. They don't have a border with space under it, the glue is everywhere from the border to the tooth. Or do you mean just between teeth ? The sniff tactic didn't work for me, i just tried it. I smelled nothing... But I ate some snack short before.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 6:49 pm
by onny
Ok good, thx for the tipp then, smelling sounds scary thu. Its the worst thing if someone smells out of the mouth, especially if its me, really need to be careful about that food parts then not to get stuck somewhere hidden.

Between my gums and my bands is alot of space, the bands are set so that I see 1mm of my teeth below it.

I think its a good idea to clean the molar band tubes and under the bracket ligatures too with a small needle, like I did today. because it will begin to smell from these spots too after a while, right? The band tubes are especially hard and the brackets just take quite a while. At least my brush does clean the most out of it, because they have such a nice big form and are easy to reach =)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:09 pm
by onny
what else should I do to remove stuff from the space between the tubes? they are just like 0.1mm apart. No chance my toothbrush can reach that spaces. Same for the middle of the brackets. I had some white stuff in there, I think it was just wax, but who knows, so I took it out with a needle. A dentist caries examination needle btw, came in a set with a small dentist mirror, got them for free.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:23 pm
by onny
I own these (of course!!! :P what u think?), they are to thick to clean beneath the molar band tubes or inside the bracket around the wire. But I hope it was just wax and no other stuff gets stuck in these tiny places..

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 9:21 pm
by trequ
would using mouth wash help my situation or help prevent this in the future? if so what types/brands would you suggest?
i really dont like the scope we have now it tastes absolutely terrible
also how often is it reccomended you get a cleaning from the dentist?

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 10:06 pm
by onny
Trequ I suggest using "Meridol" every time before going to sleep. It is a special mush wash for healthy gum and teeth, with 2 different flourids in it. Its main target is to heal and strongen the gum and prevent it from get infected or bleeding. Its description says its especially good for braces wearer, because of the high flouride level and other reasons I dont remember. This water was suggested by my ortho and my 2 dentists before.

I also use Listerine for after lunch, only once a day too and not before going to sleep, because it has no fluorides and consists of alcohol and pure ethereal oils. It will do a nice breathe and kills alot of bacterias.

The frequency of your professional dentist cleaning depends on your mouth. I have todo it every 12 months, because I don't create any tartar in my mouth and brush careful. Now in braces i may consider it every 6 months and many others, especially 40+ ppl should consider it every 6 months as well. Very young people don't need that and teenagers are ok with 18-24 months between. You dentist will explain you that after you are done with the professional cleaning, I suggest the water/salt pistol cleaning, not just the polish cleaning.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 10:06 pm
by trequ
ah k thanks so much!!!!

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 2:56 pm
by strugglebuggy
I freaked out the other day because when I went to brush in the morning, my toothbrush was bright red. Serious bleeding. I was due to go in for an adjustment that morning, too. Anyway, a couple of months prior to this, I had been having some soreness around my molar band and the ortho then told me it was food. (I floss a couple of times a day, so I doubted it.) Anyway, it still hurt until this week and Monday the bleeding started. It turned out that all this time, my molar band was loose and every time I bit down, it would dig into my gums. Thus the irritation and the foul taste in my mouth. (Probably had food under the band where I couldn't get to it.) They fixed the band and my gums are recovering. FINALLY.