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Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 6:08 pm
by finally
It's funny. I've had a handful of people ask if I was going to get an implant where the gap is. I had to explain that the missing tooth was a very healthy permanent incisor that had to go in order to make room for my other teeth. Everyone seems so surprised that a healthy tooth would get removed.

I am mastering the smiling revealing only my upper teeth and talking with my hand over my mouth. People probably think I'm trying to cover up bad breath or something.

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 3:32 pm
by spideywoman
My gaps were all about 8mm, now the top ones have already closed to 6mm :0)

The only drawback is the constant taste of iron in my mouth!! Anybody else experience this?

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 3:32 pm
by spideywoman

Hi there,

I was lucky enough to have FOUR bicuspids taken out (and I say taken when I should probably say wrestled and yanked).

I had my upper braces placed in early October, and just had my first adjustment. My Ortho put the stronger wire and power chains on in order to start closing the top gaps. I have noticed the difference almost within a week~ so I believe these chains are really doing their jobs!

The gaps are not always closed at the end of treatment as I am in this for the long haul (perhaps 2~3 years who knows...).

With that said, I find that I felt a little odd with the gaping holes. I also know I paid a LOT more attention to the holes than anyone else did. If you feel very self~concious, perhaps your ortho could take this into consideration and close the the gap a little now???

Just keep in mind that your teeth will not look this way forever... My 2~year~old loves his mommy with holes in her mouth OR without. :o[)

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 9:35 pm
by finally
Aw, thanks Spideywoman. Thank, KK, too for your support!

My mouth still needs to heal from the 3 extractions and I'm due to see my ortho on 1/17 and the first thing I'm going to ask is when they're going to close the gap. I can't wait till my next appt! I'm actually excited about it.
