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Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:21 am
by orangetammy
yes... i think it also concerns me that my face has been looking longer than before after i put on braces.. it's more than a year now..

Does anyone here also feel that with braces your face look kind of longer? i wonder if it's because the braces being in the mouth.. for no way my face shape would change that much in slightly more than 1 year's time? btw, im 18 now. (bone still growing?) it does worry me because i dont like long face

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:46 am
by ellebee
Braces make you look younger because they make you look like a teenager (well, sort of).

I told my fiance we could play "the jock and the cheerleader."

He liked that idea. ;)

Trying to have fun with it ...

Elle, the 50-ish cheerleader

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:23 am
by Brunoise
I had this discussion with someone who had braces (teeth look marvelous by the way) and she said her ortho told her that you in fact may look younger due to the way the tooth movement allows the facial muscles to be in the "correct" position. The ortho said that many facial lines / sags that develop are due to incorrect tooth placement (!?!). I know that due to my overbite I have little lines around my mouth from making an exaggerated "p" to close my lips around these teeth! Arg!!!

In any case, the ortho also talked about jowls and muscles around the jaw being used in a more efficient way------who knows, maybe we are all in for a mini face lift? :lol:

When I do my before and after pictures, I will make sure to do a lips closed front and side pose so we can see what goes on.

Can you tell I'm excited yet? :dance: