10 Things You Learn While Wearing Braces...**^^**

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#16 Post by Kat »

A few things I've learned.

Can't whistle, learned that one right away.
I have very thin and aging teeth easy to chip.
people really don't care if you have braces or not.
I am imbarressed for who know what reason sometimes when wearing these thing thinking I should be way over these years ago.
Dental hygene wakeup.
Kissing is not east because of the pain.
I've learned what others are feeling now in braces and will be more compassionate twords them (kids no wonder they whine)
I've learned my boyfriend has zero problem with them..YAY!
I don't want to make a citizen arrest...thanks Scott HA!

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#17 Post by Eleni »

10 things I have learned from having braces:

1. Charts say adult upper canines erupt between the ages of 11 and 12; charts lie
2. Lip stretchers are evil
3. Lip balm – never leave home without it!
4. A mirror on your cell phone is priceless when eating out
5. A soft foods diet is only as bland as your imagination
6. When in clear ligs, eat curry the week of your adjustment
7. Braces are the perfect excuse to try out every flavor/brand toothpaste and mouth rise on the market
8. No one notices ceramic braces; but everyone notices elastics
9. Brush vigilantly because white spots are no fun (and permanent!)
10. No one notices when they come off
Top Ceramic Braces: July 2004 - Self-Eruption of an Impacted Upper Right Canine
Bottom Metal Braces: December 2005 - Crowding
Debanded: December 2006
The story

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#18 Post by iBorg »

Top ten list?

Let's see....

1. Some people are really willing to talk about their braces, others seem ashamed of them.

2. Those that are willing to talk have a common bond and freindship.

3. Wax is good.

4. Flossing is a major problem.

5. Biting a sandwhich is a challenge.

6. I can hear my lisp, but others supposedly can't.

7. I am more anxious to go to my ortho adjustments than any other doctor's appointment.

8. I don't reallyy miss tortillia chips, raw carrots, pizzia crusts and deserts with nuts.

9. Cadbury's Fruit and Nuts sucked on without eating the nuts just isn't as good. Same for popcorn.

10. A little poking wire can create a great deal of pain.

11. Never have I done something for myself, that I'm so happy that I'm doing with the exception of taking ballroom dance with my wife.

Let's have fun with this process!

I wore braces (this time) for 1294 days or 3 years, 6 months and 17 days.
But who's counting?
Jaw Surgery June 1, 2009
Thanks for praying for me and thinking happy thoughts.


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#19 Post by cowlypso »

~ I can floss with a candle, bucket of water and a purse mirror
KK... Exactly which one of those three items do you insert between your teeth???


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#20 Post by smile2006 »

1. Definately became an oral hygeine nut!

2. Definately notice people's teeth and jaw structure more!

3. Definately stare into a mirror more.

4. Definately learned not to eat Power Bars as an energy food when I am cycling!

5. Definately look at your teeth after eating Oreos!

6. I work in the field of education and found that middle schoolers like to talk to you about your braces :lol:

7. Definately developed a fear of falling on my face during cycling races (especially after jaw surgery)

8. Definately can't wait to kiss my boyfriend without braces.

9. Definately have the "teeth are falling out" dream more (hahaha)

10. Definately wish I would have had my braces and jaw surgery about 10 years ago :lol:

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#21 Post by eoberhauser »

My Ten:

1. I can't whistle. (Though, I'm learning the "braces technique" of whistling!)
2. I make things out to be much more horrible than they really are.
3. I'm terrified of surgery. (I knew this already, but now I know it's coming.)
4. Yellow mustard is evil.
5. I can and will eat anything under any circumstances.
6. Flossing is a terrible pain in the rear. (one of the things I can't WAIT for to get my braces off)
7. I care way more about myself than other ppl do.
8. I really can commit to something! (I've been engaged for 9 years and I was certain I was some sort of commitment-phobic)
9. I can't live without my Sonicare toothbrush.
10. The dentist really isn't that bad.

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#22 Post by joney »

1. One of the first things I noticed when I tried to apply lipstick after I got my brace that I couldn't pull my lips inwards to seal the lipstick as I would normally do.

2. I can still whistle but not as well as previously!

3. Taking wax off to eat and putting it back on afterwards is a hassle.

4. I think I've swallowed so much silicone wax that I may end up with bigger boobs.

5. Kids in braces take everything in their stride and find them boring (my daughter has a brace)

6. People who comment generally say that they would like to get something done with their own teeth.

7. The weight I lost initially has gone back on with a vengence.

8. People on archwired are really supportive.

9. After 42 years with crooked teeth I will have to get used to the idea that I can have straight teeth.

10. Braces are no big deal to get used to, they become a part of you and your routine really quickly.
2 Extractions 2nd November 2006
Brace On 10th November 2006
Top brace off 26 June 2008 (19 1/2 months)


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#23 Post by turrrtlelove22 »

4. I think I've swallowed so much silicone wax that I may end up with bigger boobs.

Joney...LOL.... :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

I thought of somemore...

1. When using and electric toothbrush...READ THE DIRECTIONS!!! and put the brush in your mouth before turning it on...LOL

2. No matter how hard you try you cannot take them out in your sleep.

3. I will be spending a significant amount of money on toothpaste.

4. I realized I hate mouthwash...and Phos-Flur...

5. Others forget you have braces quicker than you do.

6. 9 times out of 10 they aren't staring, cuz you have a booger.

7. The taste of metal and latex gloves never really goes away...it's just masked...

8. Sometimes I think clenching helps...hhmmm???

9. Teens are more daring as to what they eat with their braces.

10. Chewing gum with braces makes you look like a cow chewing cud...moooooooo...........
LiFe iS A HoOt iF You arE aN oWL...O.o

Sept. 28 ~ Consult with Orthodontist
Dec. 5 ~ Spacers In
Dec. 12 ~ Braces On!!!


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#24 Post by Kat »

Oh yeah, I've learned to kiss real softly but make it count. :wink:

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#25 Post by LadyTr0uble »

10 Things I've Learned since getting Braced:

1-the bf still finds me attractive, braces and all (if there was any doubt that he truly cared, they have been blasted into outter space)
2-most people don't care, even if they noticed
3-flossing and brushing doesn't leave you squeaky clean
5-there is nothing like brushing after a meal
6-foods you once thought was soft, aka safe, may not always be the case
7-teeth really move fast
8-wow, there are a lot of people who contemplate getting braces
9-and there are so many more people out there with messed up teeth
10-Lord knows how badly my teeth were stained from coffee, coke, and cigarettes... I see what they do to my ligs

Betty Bat
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#26 Post by Betty Bat »

I didn't know too much about braces before I went into this so I learned a lot, most of which have been mention already, but here are a few more:

- there are such things as ligs
- there are colored ligs
- there are a lot of people who spend a lot of time thinking about what color ligs they want to get (this is not to cast any aspersions on wearers of colored ligs - it's just something I've never thought about)

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#27 Post by Catmom »

Let's see if I can come up with 10 things I've learned:

1. I can express my "uniqueness" through my coloured ligs
2. Food is still a good friend, just not my best friend any more
3. Singing is a real pain, literally!
4. I can still whistle, it just takes more effort
5. My Grandkids think I'm cool
6. Old teeth really can move when persuaded
7. 50 really isn't all that old
8. I can and will continue to do things for me
9. Brushing more than once or twice a day isn't that bad
10. I love my entire dental team!


11. The people on Archwire are wonderful and I really miss you when I don't have access to email!

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#28 Post by Gennel »

1) Things don't always go according to treatment plan
2)I smile so much more and my mouth is no longer sore from trying
to smile with my mouth closed.
3) I have long nails!
4) You WILL find a way to eat just about any food
5) I look at family and friends teeth more and realize that what I thought
were straight teeth are far from perfect!
6) I probably use the waterpik,brush,floss, more often than any dentist!
7)I keep eye contact when talking to anyone ( I thought I would never get
over this)
8)You actually want some amount of pain because you know it means
stuff is really moving!
9) Every discomfort is only temporary
10) I no longer have those dreams where I wish I would wake up and
have straight teeth,it is becoming a realilty!

From this 6/14/06:
Currently 1/03/07



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#29 Post by Brunoise »

Wow, Gennel! Look at those choppers! BEAUTIFUL! Mine are crowded like yours were and if I can get my arches rounded out like yours I will be so incredibly pleased.

I don't have 10 things as I don't have my little metal friends yet, but I have also been looking closely at people's teeth and you are right, perfect isn't as perfect as it seems when you know what to look for! I am now a tooth detective!

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#30 Post by Anticipator »

10. Movement takes time, no matter how fast it looks like it's happening in other peoples' progress pictures.

9. Drinking enough water will solve most problems.

8. Wax and that leftover prescription in the medicine cabinet from wisdom tooth removal will solve the rest.

7. Other peoples' teeth will become your primary focus.

6. The only thing that will interupt you from staring at other peoples' teeth is a reflective surface, in which to review your own.

5. Make sure it's not just the actual ortho who you feel comfortable with when choosing an orthodontist, but the assistants as well -- you'll be spending time with them too.

4. People have worn braces without access to Waterpiks, but I can't imagine how.

3. People will believe it's their duty to inform you about the presence in the market of both Invisalign and ceramic alternatives when they see you have metal braces.

2. After getting and almost immediately staining clear powerchains, I can now feel vindicated over my decision to choose metal.

1. Other people will see them eventually, trying to hide them with your lips while talking just makes you look stupid. Confidence is always a good look.
Upper and lower metal braces
Estimated treatment time: 20 months

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