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Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 6:54 am
by Amburly
I had 14!!!

6 on bottom and 8 on top. I have an RPE so room needed to be made for the 4 bands on the top. I had my spacers in for a total of 15 days and right in the middle of that time it was Thanksgiving. Lets just say that spacers were not one thing that I was thankful for last year.

And trust me, it was torture. I don't think I could have agreed for anymore than I had.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 1:38 pm
by aggiechick
aggiechick wrote:I have 9 rubber spacers -- three in each quadrant. I get my braces tomorrow morning. I can't wait to get rid of these spacers, especially since I've had them on since 12/27.
Duh -- That's 12 spacers (3x4). Anyway, the braces are on now, and I'm having a smoothie for lunch. I'm a little raw from all of the mouth stretching, but my teeth don't hurt yet. I just didn't want to have to chew anything for fear for biting my cheeks to death!

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 2:16 pm
by macca
I had 6 in total, and then I only had them for 2 days before the braces went on!!
I've heard some real horror stories on this forum about these little devils so I was one happy person to have had them such a short time!

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 2:57 pm
by MsViola
It's good not to win sometimes. My 8 are more than enough. Has anyone ever had trouble with your tongue getting caught in a spacer that doesn't fit all the way between the tooth? :(

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 8:10 pm
by PrincessMelody
I got lucky since I had my tops put on first and bottoms a couple months later. So I've had 8 total, but only 4 at a time. I will say most only had to have them for a week... I had the top spacers for 3 weeks and the bottom spacers for 4 weeks. That was not fun. I also had the brackets with no archwire on at the same time. Cowlypso, you know how that feels. Brackets feel LOADS better with the archwire I wil tell you that. My ortho's reasoning for putting the brackets on the same time is I have a chance to get used to the brackets :roll:

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 8:26 pm
by platinum
I am placing a record low here. I will get total three spacers next week.


Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 8:48 pm
by science teacher
I had 6 at a time. BUT.... I HAD THEM 3 TIMES for a total of 18 spacers before my RPE was cemented in.


Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 2:35 am
by Mart
right now i have 4 on the top two molars and 4 on the bottem two. They're plastic blue ones, although they should be red with the devils face on, as some kind of warning. After my Ortho had put them in yesterday she said i may feel tender for an hour or so afterwards, i thought 'no biggie'. oooooouch!! this isn't tender, this is agony! The pain woke me up last night which is a first for me, hopefully they'll be removed at my next appointment on wednesday, fingers crossed. I also had bricks put on at the same time without the archwire.
