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Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:43 pm
by lionfish
Elyse84 wrote:I haven't got braces, but I've had spacers on since Tuesday and have been living off fruit like grapes and cut peaches, yoghurt, and dried fruit.
If you're coping with dried fruit, you're doing fine.

Now did I hear someone mention cheese? Add those Greek/Lebanese type cheese triangles to the list if they're not there already.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 5:15 am
by Natalie
i've had my braces on for just over 3 months now (full metal on top and bottom and ocean blue ligs as of a few days ago!) and i have no problems with eating ANYTHING whatsoever...the only thing i think i would have a prob with is actually biting into an apple...but if i really want an apple then i can just cut it up. i eat everything i used to including popcorn, peanuts, sticky spare ribs (after my adjustment the other day!), crisps (chips for you americans) cheeseburgers, raw carrots, chewy sweets, caramel, steak...i have no probs biting into anything (apart from the apple as mentioned - wouldn't like to try that)...i was worried at first about eating certain things and having to clean my teeth all the time but now it's not an issue at all, rarely i will have to nip to the bathroom to have a quick clean but most of the time there's nothing there to worry about. with the chewy sweets i have to be a little careful with them, 'll suck them normally rather then chew and be careful to keep them in the middle of my mouth so as they're not touching any brackets. when i first got my braces on my mouth did hurt (still didn't stop me eating though!) but since then the adjustments have been fine so although soft food may be adviseable intially as long as you're careful i really believe you can still eat pretty much anything you did before (i'm talkign about with normal fixed braces, i imagine it would be much much more difficultwith extras in your mouth)

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 7:20 am
by Roobi9
Wow-isn't it amazing how we all have to really think about what we are about to eat? Like yesterday I grabbed the Cheezit box knowing I'd have to brush and flush like crazy! :roll: [/i]