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Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 1:25 pm
by Drama Queen
I have ceramic brackets on the top and bottom and I had these as I wanted my braces to be as invisible as physically possible, so I always have clear ligs (even though my ortho tries to get me to have coloured ligs everytime i go in!) I have my adjustments every 4 weeks and he always changes my ligs, he has even commented on how clean I keep them compared to his other patients.

I avoid all the staining foods such as tomato based sauces etc and I drink tea, coffee, staining type drinks through straws so that it doesn't touch the ligs and 6 months on this seems to be fine. The ligs never stay completely clear but they stay clear enough not to be noticable.

Lau xx

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 1:26 pm
by Drama Queen
I have ceramic brackets on the top and bottom and I had these as I wanted my braces to be as invisible as physically possible, so I always have clear ligs (even though my ortho tries to get me to have coloured ligs everytime i go in!) I have my adjustments every 4 weeks and he always changes my ligs, he has even commented on how clean I keep them compared to his other patients.

I avoid all the staining foods such as tomato based sauces etc and I drink tea, coffee, staining type drinks through straws so that it doesn't touch the ligs and 6 months on this seems to be fine. The ligs never stay completely clear but they stay clear enough not to be noticable.

Lau xx

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 1:26 pm
by Drama Queen
I have ceramic brackets on the top and bottom and I had these as I wanted my braces to be as invisible as physically possible, so I always have clear ligs (even though my ortho tries to get me to have coloured ligs everytime i go in!) I have my adjustments every 4 weeks and he always changes my ligs, he has even commented on how clean I keep them compared to his other patients.

I avoid all the staining foods such as tomato based sauces etc and I drink tea, coffee, staining type drinks through straws so that it doesn't touch the ligs and 6 months on this seems to be fine. The ligs never stay completely clear but they stay clear enough not to be noticable.

Lau xx