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Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:45 pm
by chevyhuny
For my orthodontist, the price run down for my treatment was the same whether he used Damon's or traditional braces, they were the same. It seems he charges for the treatment itself and not the actual hardware being used. When comparing regular to Damon.

Thats my ortho though. I would be interested in seeing if anyone was given different cost run downs with theirs. :?:

And I agree about the pain being different for everyone no matter what they are using as I am using Damon's and have had A LOT of pain with my teeth. I don't attribute that to the bracket though, just the way my mouth is dealing with this. I had traditional braces when I was very young and had the same amount of pain while I have seen others with Damon's have hardly any. So I agree that the pain depends on the person.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 9:30 pm
by lionfish
This old chestnut seems to come up again and again and again.


Can't we bury it once and for all?

And no, I don't have anything against damons - I'm just tired of reading about how so superior they are to everything else out there. Again and again and again.

I mean, can damons tie my shoelaces or make a good cup of capuccino? If they can do that, then I'll sit up and take notice.

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 6:08 am
by Lisa65
can damons tie my shoelaces or make a good cup of capuccino
I dunno, and I'm not bothered about that. But if they can clean the bathroom and do the dishes, then bring em on!

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:24 pm
by lionfish
Lisa65 wrote:
can damons tie my shoelaces or make a good cup of capuccino
I dunno, and I'm not bothered about that. But if they can clean the bathroom and do the dishes, then bring em on!
Now I am REALLY taking notice. :lol:

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 6:36 pm
by chevyhuny
Thats too funny as I just sat down from cleaning my bathroom and scrubbing my own potty.

Ill tell you my Damon's didn't help me one bit! Not even to use the scrubbing brush. :( It must not be in their contract.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 8:04 am
by jordan120
Don't want to sling anymore mud, however many of the top Ortho's in London do recommend Damon braces above other types. I'm sure they're not right for everyone, however, its been described to me that they can often reduce treatment times by 1/3 - 1/2, and have the additional advantage of needing fewer appointments.

From my own experience, having lingual braces would have taken approx 18months on my teeth, having Damon's I'm expected to be completed within 12 months. I have never used wax, and my level of discomfort has been low throughout my treatment (expect directly after my adjustments for a few days)



Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 5:11 am
by ladylikeruby
KK! Get over it...

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 1:41 pm
by chevyhuny
Yeah, This debating is getting really old. Im seeing it in so may posts geez. :( The same thing over and over.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 4:10 pm
by chevyhuny
How about posting a link to whats already been said instead of all of these long drawn out posts and debates going over the same thing every time someone brings up Damon's.

It's great to be informative and I am glad that things are pointed out but its getting to be a little much. :( We know what you feel and what you have said, its been written over and over again. Just link us.

I have a feeling people are going to stop talking about them for fear that something they may say starts a huge debate and every sentence they write is questioned and jumped on. I would hate that as I have them and would like to talk to others who have them, that is why I am here.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 6:40 pm
by chevyhuny
Oh good grief... :roll: Forget it. You don't get what I was saying at all and I am not surprised. Neither are the people who PMed me who don't even care to post about their own Damon experiences anymore due to the Damon Police who go way over the top. Have at it. :roll:

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:35 am
by taylorhl25
:? Oh gees what did I start, thanks to everyone who commented, I suppose it really comes down to personal experience, so I will know in 24 days :wink:

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:55 am
by chevyhuny
You didn't start anything Taylor, this has been going on in many other threads. It wasn't you.
I suppose it really comes down to personal experience, so I will know in 24 days.
The best of luck to you on Brace day! Please come back and let us know how your day went. I have Damon's and want to know how others are doing too so if you don't want to make a post PM me. Ive been talking with others in Damons through PMs too.

My install was really quick (20 minutes). I walked out feeling really weird, like I had a clothing rack welded onto my mouth. It felt VERY bulky but now that a few weeks have gone by I am noticing them less and less. The first week is tough trying to get used to things but it gets better. :D

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:27 am
by jennielee81
Your bonding experience sounds similar to mine...except that I had to have my 3 of my Opals replaced immediatly as they decided to fly across the room when opened. The rebonding of those suckers caused the time to be longer.

I'm so glad you are on your way and happy with your decission.

My damons never caused me any trouble and my ortho really likes using them; and he's good at what he does! My treatment took a few months longer than estimated, but I love the result so the time dosn't matter anymore.

Best wishes to you!

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:55 am
by chevyhuny
:shock: Oh my goodness, they decided to take a flight? :lol: I am glad u had a good experience with them Jenn. Are you enjoying your new smile?

My ortho told me to expect 2 years but that most of his patients end up being finished in 17months. Like you I don't care as long as I have straight teeth in the end. And I trust my ortho, he has been in practice since 1972 at the same office. Ive talked to adults who had him as a child and love him. He likes Damon's as well and didn't charge me a penny more then other metal braces. However long it takes is fine with me.