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Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 8:51 am
by Lisa65
I still manage to eat ribs occasionally, as long as they are tender I just take more care when I bite them to make sure my brackets don't crash into the bone. :D

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 12:50 pm
by joney
Chewy humbug sweets, I ate loads before I got braces as I knew they would be forgiven, anything chewy and sticky is out. I look forward to eating a baguette again.

I do eat burgers, but small ones, not the double cheeseburger types, but then I never ate a large burger anyway. At first I couldn't use my front teeth to bite but now I have no problem but I wouldn't tackle anything like a baguette.

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 9:09 pm
by ame_malia
I don't think I ate anything special for my "last supper" but I wish I'd eaten steak every day for a week for dinner, because that is the one food that I really want that I can't have. I've never been fond of hard candies, just chocolate, and that can melt in your mouth! Also, I have always peeled and sliced my apples before eating them (I'm a little weird in how I eat certain foods) so biting into apples hasn't been a problem for me. Sandwiches and burgers were difficult at first, but its a bit easier now, as long as the burger patty isn't too thick. I still tend to pull out a whole slice of tomato when I eat a sandwich, but I just eat it on down in one bite.

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 9:20 pm
by Ives
being from the states ( well Canada originally ) not sure what a chewy humbug sweet is, just curious. :?

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 11:27 pm
by Pepper
I actually don't think I ate anything overly interesting.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:16 am
by joney

Mint Humbugs are a hard boiled mint flavoured sweet. Have a look at this site, sounds like heaven but completely forbidden fruits for people with a brace and generally bad for your teeth and figure The black and white sweets are the humbugs.

Marks and Spencers do a lovely Mint Humbug but they are widely available here in the UK from different suppliers.


Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:39 am
by dawnm
I had nachos deluxe from a local mexican restaurant... basically loaded nachos. They were so good!!!

Right now, I'm missing sandwiches. I'd give just about anything to bite into my favorite sandwich (Bacon turkey bravo from Panera!) right about now. I haven't tried anything that requries the use of my front teeth yet... but it's only been 2 weeks, so I'm not rushing it!

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:05 pm
by Boolajoojoo
Everyone keeps saying apples and corn on the cob... I love both, but I've never been able to properly eat either... I dun eat apples because of my bite and the way that my jaw malfunctions... it pops out and locks up on me. So yeah, I cut them up into little pieces. And I can't stand how corn on the cob gets stuck in my teeth so I go for the canned or frozen kind. That's one of the things I hope to accomplish from getting braces. I haven't been braced yet, but once they come off, hopefully I'll be able to eat an apple like normal.

In the mean time, I'm enjoying all the popcorn and tacos I can handle. Maybe I'm being optimistic, but I don't think I'll have to miss out on most of my favorite comfort foods: meatballs, pasta, perogies, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, ice cream, chocolate... Pizza might be a struggle...

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 1:51 pm
by JenP
This is great, because people have been giving me ideas. Last night I decided I wanted a big burger thanks to the folks who talked about missing being able to bite into one.

And for tonight, I think I've decided on ribs. A coworker recommended Famous Dave's Barbecue because I don't feel like cooking, and it looks like they serve corn on the cob with all of their meals, too -- even better!

I'm trying to keep my mind on the food so I don't start freaking out about the actual braces!