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Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 7:26 pm
by bracesafter40
So pink77 did you get that spring?

I have a spring similar to what manna22, Jenp and victor36 describes and shows.
It hurts plain and simple. The pressure on the two teeth is immense and I'm pretty good with pain. The pressure on the canine is more than the tooth on the other side.

This is my second spring and it is much thicker than the one I had before. This is my second month with a spring; so about 6 weeks so far. I'm pretty sure I'll have it for another 6 weeks at least as there is lots more work to be done to make enough room for that tooth that is sitting back there.

On my visit yesterday, Ortho ordered a crimp on the end of the spring to increase the pressure and increase it did! The canine is very tender to teh touch today and I've eaten soup and soft foods today.

The pressure on the tooth after the second spring lasted about a week. With all that said, I'll do whatever it takes to get that tooth forward. It is working.



Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 8:24 am
by nice teeth

I have a spring too, to make room for my incoming canine. I have had no problems with it and don't even notice it.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 9:43 pm
by bracesafter40
Sorry that spring's so uncomfy, bracesafter40 :( But hopefully it's working well for you.

I think the reason your canine hurts more might be because canines have such big roots, so they are more stubborn to move :?

Hope you feel more comfy soon! In the meantime, take an OTC pain reliever when you need it!
Thanks. The pain went away after about three days; well kind of, I just don't touch it anymore. Yes it is working as now the space between the teeth are bigger now (floss is easy now :-))

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 2:25 pm
by wwdia
I was kinda under the impresion that to close a gap ( from an extraction )they would use a chain, But when I asked my ortho today he said something about maybe just using the spring coils.
Has anyone had the chains first and then springs? or reversed maybe?

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 2:28 pm
by New to braces 45
hopefullr its not painfull :)

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 5:47 pm
by kirjax
I have adj today they put a thicker one on. So far the tooth that hurts the worse is the one behind the spring that's not even wired lol

I haven't had problems w. them only the occasional food getting caught in them and they are more noticable then the brackets and your lip sometimes get caught up on it but other then that they're really painless.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 8:26 am
by manna22
Question: I've had my spring on (between my front left tooth and the canine....there is plenty of space now...(spring has been in place for 2 1/2-3 weeks or so now) but my tooth hasn't moved...I got in for my 1st adjustment in 2 weeks...will they FINALLY connect this tooth to bring it forward???

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 12:20 pm
by kirjax
I was also wondering when mine would be wired as well but forgot to ask my ortho. I really am assuming next visit since my spring has now been on 7 weeks and by my next visit it will be almost 14 weeks. I guess it varies on a person's treatment plan.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 4:12 pm
by hannah164
I had 2 springs in front when we were trying to make room before I had surgery to bring down my 2 impacted canines. It was painful but it did its job, pretty quickly i might add. :wink:

I remember one breaking and falling out after I bit into a meringue! :lol: so be careful what you eat! :roll:



Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 8:07 pm
by braced4asmile
I had 2 springs on my lowers and they performed miracles on 2 of my teeth in a really short time of 2 weeks. I e-mailed my ortho about something else and told her that the teeth moved into place. She asked me to make an appointment for that week and I got them off right away. She was thrilled at how quickly they did their job. Gotta love springs!