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Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:06 pm
by JoviFan
KK wrote:Danielle any drink with colour will stain ... some stain faster than others, depending on what ingredient (or poison) is giving the drink colour.

Fizz ... or soda as you call it ... is ok in moderation ... same as breathing and living! :wink: Remember not to brush after drinking fizz, but instead to rinse with water. AFter 30 minutes, most of the acid will be gone and if you want to brush, it's ok to do so then.

Enjoy your food and your drinks! :banana:
oh wow --- I did not know you weren't supposed to drink right after drinking soda!!!!! that's new to me -- thanks Karen :)

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 6:19 pm
by jumbie
Thanks Kiwi..that makes sense.