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Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 4:34 am
by ccrisis
Spacers is the worst so far for me and I have had a total of 10 in my mouth . I've had teeth extractions and bands put on and spacers were awful for me because my teeth were so tight together . I am sceduled to get braced and my appliances put in on march 13 and its not to long away so wish me luck.

So you are right behind me!!! Best of luck and I know you'll be fine.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 4:40 am
by ccrisis
Great! I've had mine for a month now and haven't had any major problems -- no pain, very little discomfort. The only thing is I'm just now starting to find my braces to be sharp (I don't know why because they felt fine before), but if I used the wax and did salt water rinses, I wouldn't have that problem. I'm adding them to my routine starting today. Other than that, eating takes a little getting used to, but now I can eat almost anything and not even think about it (a fact you will have a hard time believing when you first take them out for a spin). I have my first adjustment in 2 days...we'll see how that goes, but I'm not too worried.

How are the spacers today?

They seem to be getting a little worse every day. It was kinda funny though, last night was my birthday. For dinner I had a can of Spaghetti-Os w/meatballs -- just like my mother used to make for me and my sister on our birthdays almost 40 years ago!!!! So it was functional and nostalgic at the same time and very appropriate since I feel like the braces are a sort of new beginning for me. Anyone else feel that way?