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Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 2:18 pm
by TheSarahMonster
I had the same type of bump above my a premolar next to my canine. I thought it was ab abcess.....I went to my dentist.....she was just bone.....just apart of my's supposed to be above my canine (I do have a smaller bump over the left canine.....According to her it's just a normal part of my anatomy, but it seems like it's sticking out more because my teeth have shifted positions.......

I noticed mine the same way you did....and it's in the same spot on the other side.....

It's still a good idea to get it checked out, but it's probably just part of you jaw.....

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 10:48 am
by genxsis
It funny how it could either be a tooth's root, or just bone. I'll be relieved when I see my ortho on April 4th and he finally gets to look at it firsthand, rather than hearing my description over the phone. An xray would be even better though.