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Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:12 am
by jalapeno
I haven't lost any weight since getting braced about 10 days ago. Since I'm trying to gain weight I am making sure I still eat as much as before.

Eating a lot of beans, Indian food, mexican, thai, scrambled eggs, protein/oatmeal smoothies. Basically the same diet I had before. I usually eat about four meals a day.

For salad cut it up a bit first.

For sandwiches or bread I usually cut into pieces first because biting through a sandwich feels too strange. Can bite through tacos/burritos now though. But have given up crusty bread/baguettes for sandwiches in favour of sliced bread.

I've learned the partial chew where your teeth don't come to a full grind, takes a little longer but works! I have bumpers on so can't bite down all the way.

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:52 am
by Pepper
I lost about fifteen pounds after the first week of having them.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:12 pm
by jalapeno
KK wrote:Jalapeno it's awesome that you're doing so well ... and with buildups! :thumbsup:

You're a great example! :banana:
thanks KK :D Maybe not, I have popped off a bracket already... only took me 10 days to do that.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:32 pm
by becks
I have a bumper on too Jalapeno. It really messed up my ability to chew for a few days. I'm almost 2 weeks post bracing and generally eat whatever I want now. No weight loss here. I do still eat some soft foods but that is out of choice not necessity. I had homemade pizza tonight and even bit into a homemade hamburger last night...carefully but bit it none the less.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:29 am
by gunter8888
Let me start by saying I avoid scales like the plague. So, I have no exact numbers to go on. However, this past Sunday I got out a pair of shorts (yea! Spring is here!) I bought late last summer. When I bought them they fit perfectly. Sunday as I played outside with the kids I noticed that they kept falling down. I mentioned it to my wife and she said she noticed that I was looking slimmer. Wooohooo!

I still eat what I want, but I find that I avoid eating sometimes because I don't want the hassles of getting it out of my braces and replacing my elastics.

18 months from now I will not only have a great smile, but a slimmer body. SWEEEEET! :jump:

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 3:27 pm
by spaced*out
I myself have lost 15 pounds, but I don't know if its from me starting to run miles or from the braces but I hope I keep loosing it . It won't hurt my figure a bit :)

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:18 pm
by bracesafter40
Eating is getting better now, but I still cannot eat whatever I want as some of you all state here. It is only 28 days since braced.
I had a Foccacia with grilled chicken sandwich today and I still ahd to cut it into four pieces, but I was able to bite it, very slowly...
Now at 12lbs. off since being braced.
Good stories folks, keep them coming.

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 7:28 am
by Jayne
Firstly, apologies for dragging up an ancient thread!

Since getting braced in March, I've lost 14lb. I was starting to get worried about it because although I wanted to lose a little weight, to lose that much in such a short space of time was starting to concern me.

However, reading this thread has really put my mind at ease. Thanks everyone! :D

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 6:42 pm
by EmbraceMe
I got my braces on 2 weeks ago. That combined with the spacers the week prior, I have lost 12 pounds! Woo Hoo! That is about the only thing that I am thrilled about right now :-)

Each day I am attempting to eat foods a little more challenging, but have not been snacking or eating in the evenings, so that is probably contributing to the weight loss.

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:39 am
by wired after 50
I have lost 10 pounds since I got my braces on. I had to go out this last week and get new pants to wear to work because my old ones were falling off me. My eating pattern has changed as I use to eat 5 small meals a day and now it is more like a small breakfast, medium lunch and regular dinner. I really can not afford to lose the weight as I am almost 5'9" and am now down to 120 pounds. I was 141 pounds 4 years ago before I was diagnosed with cancer and lost 16 pounds during the treatments. I had gained back to 131 before I got my braces. Dairy is a migraine trigger to me so I can't have ice cream or other high calorie dairy products.

I had the first square wire put on this last Thursday morning and my teeth are sore and my mouth is cut up. I have to start the salt water rinses again. (You would can not imagine the amount of wax I put on last night to keep my braces from cutting up my cheeks while I slept).

But so far based on the results I can say it has been worth it. My teeth are looking great and my TMJ is all but gone.


Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 7:04 am
by HeadgearJoe
yep me to , i'm 6'1 an was 230 when i started , years later i'm 200 , an just stay around 196 to 200, i don't snack at all like i use to because , with all this in my mouth i don't want to have to brush ,pick, clean all the time so i just don't snack much , wonder if i'll gain any of it back after the braces are removed ,

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 7:18 am
by jf74
I lost around 10 pounds during the first 2 weeks I had braces. Not really because of tenderness, but mainly because I stopped snacking so much ( so I don't have to brush all the time ) and I had difficulty finding a decent bite. My teeth were not closing properly because of molar buildup ( my lower teeth were hitting the upper brackets ) and it took me a while to find a way to chew properly.

I have not gained it back but my weight is now stable. I just eat more during my main meals and when I want to snack I eat something I can just rinse off and easily clean, like yogourt.

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 3:39 pm
by Higgy
I haven't felt like snacking since the elastics....I don't wear mine when I eat or brush...but's not worth the hassle (perhaps just laziness there) I guess it could be feasible to lose wieght with them.

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 3:56 pm
by HeyTeach
wish they would cause some weight loss. No such luck. I no longer snack, as so many of you have said it's too much trouble. Over time that may help, but really no change in the initial weeks. Maybe things to come will alter that.

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 6:20 pm
by idolfan4
I didn't lose any weight when I got braces. I just got really fat, because all the healthy stuff like apples and carrots, I couldn't have unless they were cut into small pieces and I didn't want to deal with that.