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Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 3:05 pm
by becks
I have loose teeth too...some more than others. I'm constantly playing with them with my other teeth (top teeth w/ lowers and vice versa).
I used to have crazy dreams about my teeth crumbling out of my mouth all the time. Haven't in a while though, which is good cause it always freaked me out. We need a good dream analyzer to tell us what these dreams really mean :lol:

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 10:14 am
by jalapeno
I'm getting a lot of movement:

I have two upper bicuspids (I think that's the correct term, the ones with two point between molars and upper canine) on the left side that are outside the lower teeth. Lately they've been coming in and the lowers moving out, so that sometimes the inside tips of the uppers go into the middle of the lowers, rather than outside, hope that's clear.

Sometimes they are outside and sometimes in!

Like last night: I woke up in the middle of the night and those uppers were back outside the lowers and I thought, there's no way these are ever going to stay inside without my bite gettting blocked off for a couple of weeks. When I woke up they were inside and I had a good bite!

But now, I've been up for one hour and they're outside again and my bite is messed up again.

All very interesting to experience.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:52 pm
by tommyfive
my bite's been changing almost daily, especially since the bottoms went on about 10 days ago. at that same appointment they swapped in a big ol' rectangular wire on my top arch. (that didn't bother me as much at first as the new bottoms), and I've really noticed my tops for the last week.

anyway, this morning I was staring at my teeth (as we all here probably are apt to do) after brushing and was checking out how my teeth meet each other (today). I started to get a little worried when I noticed that at least two of my top teeth are visibly moving when I apply almost any pressure. even with that thick wire attached to them - you can see the wire move too!

so I called and they told me it's perfectly normal, and this is a call they get from a lot of patients.

The process of moving your teeth will naturally loosen the ligaments which otherwise hold your teeth so tightly in your head. One of the reasons you wear braces for so long (and retainers after that) is to let those ligaments tighten up with the teeth in the positions the ortho (and you!) intend for them to be in. but first they have to loosen up and move.

It's normal, but if you're worried, call your ortho and get more support!

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 11:42 am
by platinum
My teeth seem not to move that much after I got rectangular thicker wire.
It seems that my teeth just stay where they are.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 6:20 pm
by yovi86
my teeth seems not moving as well :(

I want teeth movement as well!! hehehe...I guess I'll wait for a few weeks ^_^ long do u need to wait to see your teeth moving?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 12:21 am
by Miss Smiley
my teeth move whenever I put pressure on them or bite into foods like burgers, sandwiches, and any other food that requires chewing. I also see that my teeth have been on the move since day one (now I'm on week 4.) I had two twisted canines and one is almost upright and straight so I have half an arch on the lowers. WOOHOO! Next thing, I think since my teeth have been on the move, I have been grinding/clenching at night so that doesn't make my loose teeth feel any better for breakfast. Anyone else feel the same?

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 11:46 pm
by Meloho
I had my first experience with moving teeth tonight while brushing - I noticed that my lower right premolar moved with I touched it. So I checked all my lower molars and sure enough, they're all loose. The thing is, my lowers are bracketed but not wired and hooked up to the top arch with elastics, so they're free to move anyway they like, so this is panicking me just a little. I just have to keep telling myself, the roots are so long, they're not gonna come falling out of my mouth just because they're a little loose. It's hard to keep that in mind though... :shock:

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 12:35 am
by Meloho
If they bother you, give your ortho a call!
Will do if they don't retighten in a few days or so, or if they get much looser. I can't feel them move with my tongue, so it's probably not as bad as it seems. :) As I've read after searching, the loosening is par for the course.

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 8:24 am
by Meloho
Teeth need to move slowly for this process to work at it's best. Fast movement can cause delays in treatment.
This is sort of what I'm worried about - my lower molars have eupted a lot in just over two weeks. I just hope it's not too fast that it'll cause a problem. Maybe I should have been given looser elastics or something (I have medium force ones, 1/4"). However, I'm sure my ortho knows best.

That video was very informative too and reassuring. I didn't realize that the teeth are so embedded in the bone and how it all works together...don't ask me how I didn't know that bit, but whatever. LoL! I'm very glad to see that the loosening is just an indicator is this step in the process.