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Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 5:56 pm
by flipib05
hi Kat
my friend tried to take one of his brackets off as a joke with a pair of pliers one time and his whole tooth came out! It was not fun for him! So maybe that is not such a good idea but i can't stop you from doing what you want. Maybe you should just be like, LISTEN HERE BUDDY! I AM PAYING GOOD MONEY FOR THESE THINGS AND I WANT THEM DONE RIGHT AND YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO MY CONCERNS! But that might not make him so happy.
This is a really hard thing to decide on. So do what you think is best then because this has ME stumped on what to say.
Image to hear about the bad service though. Good luck!

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 11:18 pm
by BracesRacer
Thats no fun :( It seems totally silly to file away a perfectly good tooth just because they are too lazy to pull off, and re-attach a bracket. That can't take but ten minutes tops!

I am glad I have my ortho too he is extremly busy but his son will be coming into the office now too (fresh outta school) so that will hopefully give him some more time to chat. All the other girls I have had there have been waaay nice too... always friendly and very quick to smile. I am actually excited to go in there for my first adjustment just so I can show off, hehe :)

Good luck to you though I hope you get this sorted out!

sorry to hear that.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:45 am
by payoki
there's an assistant at my orthos office who is very inexperienced so i get scared whenever i get stuck with her.
i don't want to hurt anyones feeling so I just endure the sever pain. :cry:

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 3:59 pm
by kayakchic
Kat - it sounds like you need to step up and be the adult in this situation. Calling to request a meeting with your ortho is not being disrespectful but being pro-active about your treatment. As stated multiple times throughout this board, the best thing to have is open and honest communication with your ortho and the staff. They need to respect your concerns since you are paying their can and house payments. And if you don't get their respect then it's time to look for a new ortho that will.
Hope all is taken care of soon...
KC in WI

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 3:13 am
by ABraces2007
Kat, i hardly not suggesting you to take your bracket off, cause it will make them mad with you even more, cause they will know you did it on purpose.
And i totally agree you should talk to your ortho in private and explain all of that... you pay them good money to deal with your braces...
Good luck...