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Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 11:32 am
by Irinadax
I've been in braces for 15 months. The treatment time is supposed to be 24 months. We'll see. I see now from reading all the responses here that it has alot to do with attitude and being positive and I'm certainly beginning to feel better about them now that I've heard everyone's comments here! :D

Feeling alright about the braces

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 1:28 pm
by acehigh
To be honest, when I first had these put on I was I actually went back to the ortho's office to have them taken out.( I was trying not to cry in the Good thing he told me to give it some time, I made the right decision to keep them on. Of course you may feel a bit awkward at times, but it sure goes away as time progresses. I keep telling myself it will be worth it in the end. I had my braces put on 4 months ago, and I'm feeling quite fine. Especially as the teeth and wire straighten out, you will be thrilled watching the changes and seeing results. To be honest, I don't smile my usual big smile as often as i used to, as i find myself smiling with my lips closed more often. Or I'll smile a little But really, keep a positive attitude and hang in there!! It's not forever. If someone you know does notice the braces, and they will, you'll find it will be the topic of conversation for all of 30 seconds. No one cares, you're the same person. In fact, many people have told me they would love to do it, or they should have done it, etc. I look at it as the $5,000.00 priviledge. We are fortunate to be able to do this to improve our dental health and looks. My confidence now is MUCH better than it was 4 months ago when I had these put on. I do find that I'm a bit shyer at times.....but that's ok. By the way, you're not are NORMAL. I love this site because it keeps my spirits up. I'm a 44 year old female by the way. Some day we can look back and think...."Wow, I can't believe I actually did it!!" :lol:

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 2:36 pm
by Carolinahigh12
I am just starting on my journey with braces, so I havent been braced yet. I did think about how I would look with braces, because I also wear glasses. And then I took a step back and realized that I am a grown person and no matter what other people say, I have to do what is best for me. I am not getting braces to correct a smile, I am getting braces to correct my bite, which has put a strain on some of my back teeth and causing me jaw issues. I guess the best thing is to learn to be happy with yourself with or without braces, and just know that a nice smile doesnt always make you beautiful. Cheer up, live life to the fulliest and never regret what you do, just change how you do it the next time :D

I've Felt The Same Way too

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 7:45 pm
by braceface2005
I've felt the same way too. Sometimes I'm self conscious about having braces. I've had my ups and downs with self esteem and braces. There are days I'm very proud to smile with wires,bands, brackets, and gaps (I had 3 teeth extracted). Then there are days where I feel like an ugly duckling. I continue to remember that people will like me for my outgoing personality and that's what they see and like about me. I also remind myself how blessed I am to have the means to pay for my braces as an adult. Unfortunately I did not get braces as a teen because my mom was a single parent and could not afford them.

Hope this helps and alway keep in mind the final results.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 8:25 am
by Alison
:) When I had my brace fitted in 2004 at the age of 38....I smiled even more, I dont know why? lol

I felt quite proud of myself, that at my age I wasnt embarrassed, too vain or shy of wearing something that was obviously I purposely smiled almost gives you more confidence as you challenge peoples perceptions that only teens wear braces....

I think it shows others that your not so vain about yourself that you care what people think of what you look like with a mouthful of metal...but you care enough to do something about your teeth and your not ashamed to look a little different for it..

Good luck! :D

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 12:10 pm
by bracedforit
For me my time in braces has been fantastic (minus the soreness, the eating restrictions, etc...) and I can honestly say that I feel better about myself than I ever did, not only am I more confident when I'm around people for the first time but I smile a lot more now. Even though my teeth weren't horribly bad or anything I always felt as if people were judging me somehow just because I had a few teeth that were crooked. This feeling is far gone now and while some of you may think that your unattractive or whatnot now because you have braces heres some food for though - for the first two years of high school I was never asked out on a date, I got braces and I'm now in a great relationship and been on lots of dates besides. I'm not saying that the two or connected...

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 9:38 pm
by ssfw
I do have to admit that every now and then I am still self-conscious about my braces, but I have never regretted my decision to proceed with ortho treatment. I really don't mind having braces, in fact, I think my braces will be on longer than my orthodontist estimated and don't mind a bit. I think my positive attitude is from my great orthodontists (2 in my office) and their staff - they are all the kindest and most caring people. They are never too busy to answer a question. I enjoy going to my appts. I think proceeding with orthodontic treatment is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I also think there's alot of people out there that wishes they could get braces but can't due to financial reason and then there are people that are too embarassed to see an orthodontist. Taking that first step to see an orthodontist was not easy for me in addition to making the decision if I wanted to get braces. But, everything worked out for me and I am very happy with my decision.

I hope you get use to your braces - it does take a little time.

Keep us posted.


Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 3:05 pm
by mikecl
I know the question was posed to the ladies out there so I hope you don't mind a 34 year old male responding.

My self image has never been great but since I met my wife (we will have been married for six years in July this year) and we had our son (he was three a couple of weeks ago), my self confidence has been pretty good and it allowed me to take the initial steps to getting braces.

To cut a long story short, my initial consult was 5 April, the ortho has provided the proposed treatment plan in writing and now I just need to commit to the idea of wearing braces for 18 months or so. Next appointment is on 11 May and I have the choice of this been B-day or putting it off a month by asking a few questions, the answers of which are not going to change the fact that braces are needed to improve my bite and smile.

My wife is being very supportive but you don't see many adults in our part of the world in braces and the old lack of self-confidence is rearing its head again.

On the other hand, as my wife has already said and other posts have confirmed, I know that I can't let what other people say put me off from doing what is right for me because if I don't do anything I will only regret it.

Typing this up has helped matters and helped me put my thoughts in order. When I see the "problem" written down it just doesn't look like the big issue I think it is and so I will be more confident about things and remind myself that I am doing this for myself.

Anyway, hope you didn't mind me answering a question aimed at the ladies but just needed to do a very un-male thing by actually discussing how I feel about things !



Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 7:39 pm
by ssfw
Hi Mike,

I agree with Denise, the first couple weeks you will hear the same questions - why, how long, etc. It's human for people to ask questions when they see something different. After a couple weeks, people get use to it and it's no big deal.

If you are comfortable with getting braces (as in financially and mentally) the I would say be sure to ask your orthodontist any questions or concerns that you have and if you're okay with the answers, then proceed with beginning your orthodontic treatment on that day. If you really feel you need time to make the decision, then delay it until May - I really feel a person has to be mentally ready to get braces in order to have the treatment be a positive journey. Why put it off for a few more weeks? - you will probably be nervous again before that appt., so why not just avoid that. I have to admit, once my ortho's office begin to take the impression for my expander, I felt a sense of relief and when I actually got the expander placed about 10 days later, it felt even better.

The sooner you begin ortho treatment, the sooner you will be done. If you are a bit self concious about getting braces, you may want to ask your orthodontist about clear braces. I have clear on my upper teeth, clear on the lower front teeth and because my orthodontist said he felt it would be best to have metal brackets on the lower back teeth, I have metal brackets also and both metal and clear are very comfortable. In fact, I even told them that if they wanted to put metal brackets on the upper back teeth, I was fine with that but my orthodontist said he thought I was fine with the clear brackets.

Good luck and keep us posted.


Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 9:07 pm
by phanta
I'm pretty self-conscious of my braces when I meet a new client. However, after a few minutes the discomfort goes away, and I just concentrate on the conversation. And I'm SURE it works both way - I can see and feel the other person get used to the look in a few minutes. I can't explain in, it's a barely perceptible change in them.

In personal life, I only hate the look of my teeth/braces when they are dirty (they've been dirty for the past 8-9 months cause I've had to rinse with Peridex a lot, after all my microimplants).

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:44 pm
by mikecl
Denise, Ssfw

Many thanks for the replies.

You are 100% right in saying that I will be self-conscious whenever the braces first go on and that delaying it another month will only make me more nervous.

I am ready to do this but the more time I have to think about a decision (about anything) the more I question myself.

I have a check up with my normal dentist at lunch time today and I will be asking a few questions then as well. Unless I hear something that I am really not sure about I will phone the orthos and tell them I am ready to start on 11 May. The ortho has said that I can go for ceramic on the tops and bottom and so this is what I am going to go for.

I will keep you posted and thanks again for the support and encouragement.


Quick update for Denise and SSFW

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 3:28 pm
by mikecl
Just to let you know that after this lunch time's appointment with my normal dentist which went very well, I phoned the ortho to confirm that I want the braces to go on at my next appointment on 11 May.

Thanks again and wish me luck.


Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 3:56 pm
by mikecl

Thanks for the advice and I wasn't sure if it was going to be you or KK that posted the standard drill :)

The Dentakit is on order and I will (try to) stay as positive as I can. Sorry to lower the conversation to this level but my usual reaction when I am nervous means that going to the toilet won't be a problem but keeping my mouth from drying out will so I will be sure to drink as much water as possible.

Many thanks


Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:22 pm
by mikecl

Thanks again for the advice and I am now just looking forward to getting on with it (although I have no doubt the nerves will be back).

I will be travelling to London on Monday 14 May and working over there for four days so the braces will definitely be getting an outing sooner rather than later and to be honest, I am glad that it's happening like this.

I am also very interested to hear what my three year old son will have to say on the matter :)
