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Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 11:15 am
by Nervous
I definitely want to a huge bite out of a big apple :)

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 2:07 pm
by DaisyMay66
Honestly, my debanding day was somewhat of a non-issue. I was terribly busy at work and rushed to the ortho in the morning. My braces were removed, my teeth polished, panorex x-ray taken and molds for retainers. To the ortho and staff, the day was just routine. No bells and whistles, no special celebration. I then rushed back to work and skipped lunch and worked late in the evening. Eating was the last thing on my mind. The following day at work was crazy as usual and I rushed to the ortho to pick up my retainers. My ortho said, "see you in December" and I was sent on my way. After 41 months in braces, I am very pleased with my results and enjoy every minute being "naked". Life goes on.

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 7:16 am
by Stich
I get debanded this week...May 10. I am looking forward to eating carrots, nuts, apples, and licorice...all without a million little pieces sticking everywhere!

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 5:38 pm
by mmym29
Image!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)[/img]

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 5:53 pm
by spaced*out
mmym29 that is exactly what I can't wait for. Yummy!!!!!

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 6:12 pm
by KatK
POPCORN!!! I'm running for the first movie theatre and getting one of those bottomless buckets.... i can't wait. That's like 1.5 years away :-)

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 6:30 pm
by idolfan4
When I got my braces off, which was two in a half weeks ago, my mom and I went to a mexican place next to our subdivison and I got some crispy tacos. I also ate laffy taffy, skittles, tootsie rolls, peanuts, whole apples-man, I was so happy to be able to eat normal again. After 20.5 months, I was able to eat all that stuff again.

Braces Came On: August 2nd, 2005
Braces Came Off: April 19th, 2007



Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 9:46 am
by MissDiana
Is it sad that I've only been braced for a month and I'm already planning my meal?

An apple
Steamed asparagus (which I know I can eat now, but I want to BITE it and have it actually, you know, get bitten)
A lollipop
Fried Chicken
Choc. covered malt balls

Also, I know this sounds gross, but I can't wait to be able to bite my nails again. I'm not a biter really, but I used to sort of click them when I was stressed. I miss doing it.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 1:00 pm
by PfectPitch
Anything hard and crunchy: almonds, pizza crust, ice cream cone, biscotti...
Anything soft and sticky: licorice, toffee, gumdrops...

I think it will just be wonderful to bite with my front teeth again and not worry about strands of greens hanging off my brackets after salads.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 3:00 pm
by alexa
I've eaten essentially everything I wanted to since getting braced.

However, some things not as often as I would like because of the hassle, and a select few that I only attempted a couple of times before writing them off until debanding day.

Two things are See's Candy related.

1) Molasses Chips
2) San Francisco Brickle Bar

Now, since I couldn't eat these things, I missed out on the fact that they were discontinuing the Brickle Bar last year. That, I will never eat again...and I'll just have to try some Almond SPAMMER and pretend it's the same... :cry:

...but those molasses chips are mine! :twisted:

I'm also dying to bite directly into an Apple, and perhaps have some fried chicken, or some kind of meat on the bone. I'm so sick of turning down chicken wings and ribs because eating off of the bone is just too gross with braces!

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 5:05 pm
by alexa
Haha. Yes, Molasses chips are the best. I've eaten them since being braced a couple of times, but it took more effort. Couldn't bite pieces off with my front teeth because the chips feel just slightly too hard to do it, so the only option is to stuff the entire thing into the back of my mouth and chew with my molars.

Another reason: I have a habit of trying to eat the chocolate off the outside first and it just doesn't bite off easy with brackets in the way! :oops: :wink:

Not to worry though. I haven't done without my See's fix. I've found solace in mocha, mint and key lime truffles since being wired...nice and soft! :twisted:

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 7:17 pm
by debonairdenise
Yummy suggestions guys...I have never heard of some of the candies that were mentioned, but they sound tasty.

I also would like:

corn on the cob
payday candy bars
candied apples
and cashews

My projected time in braces was 2 years meaning I would finish in Aug of 2007, but I think that date will change because my bite is really off :cry: I will get an official update at the end of the month. Awful news I guess, but I have lost 30 pounds since getting braces so there is some good news in this saga.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 3:05 am
by Dark_angel
It's all starting to add up for me really. It's not that there'll be many foods I've not been eating whilst braced. But it's going to be so very nice to eat them without them getting all caught up in the hardware and being a total cleanup chore!
Definatley, i can say i've ate almost everything i've wanted too in braces but getting all of the bits out from them when your done certainly isn't fun :evil: even the bread from a meatball sub gets stuck.

Im having my braces removed at 9am so i'll probably go for breakfast before i go back for my retainers so im guessing a nice toasted baguel and a piece of cake from starbucks.