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Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 7:16 am
by Carolinahigh12
If you only have 9-12 months in treatment, and you are basically doing this for cosmetic reasons, why didnt you go with Invisilign? I am assuming that you might have 100% metal if you are wanting them out before the wedding. Maybe instead of using the 450 to remove the braces, why not consult with the ortho and use that money to switch to invisilign instead? Then that would save you the time to have them removed and to have them put back on.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 9:02 am
by loulou123

i was bridesmaid at my uncles wedding on saturday, and my braces didnt even cross my mind, except for after eating.

Its likely that alot of the people at the wedding have either seen you with your braces or at least no you wear them, so surely its no big deal really.

Ive seen some of the pics and my braces are barely visable.


Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 6:25 pm
by skibunnie29
Meryaten wrote:If someone didn't want me to be wearing braces in their wedding pictures, then thanks but I'd pass on being in the wedding ... oh and don't bother to send me a list of where you're registered either ;)
Right on!! Take and love people for who they are. I would not DARE ask a friend to remove her braces for my wedding. I would love her and appreciate her for being part of my big day. :)

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 9:25 pm
by OrangeGeek
If you only have 9-12 months in treatment, and you are basically doing this for cosmetic reasons, why didnt you go with Invisilign? I am assuming that you might have 100% metal if you are wanting them out before the wedding. Maybe instead of using the 450 to remove the braces, why not consult with the ortho and use that money to switch to invisilign instead? Then that would save you the time to have them removed and to have them put back on.
Carolinahigh12, for me, even though I have 15ish months of treatment, I have severe enough crowding on the bottom to need the metal. Plus, I know it sounds like a big waste of $450 to pull them off and then back on, but in the whole grand scheme of money that gets wasted on wedding stuff, that $450 will be money well spent, IMO.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 6:08 am
by ash0708
I am the Matron of Honor in my brother's wedding this December, and I am most definitely leaving my braces on. Honestly, all eyes will be on the bride and groom. I doubt anyone will even notice. My brother actually loves that I have braces b/c he is going to ortho school in a year. So I consider it a present! :)