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Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 4:33 am
by Drama Queen

Nice to see another UK person in their 20s taking the plunge with braces. I am 26 and currently 9 and a half months into my 18 month sentence with ceramic braces top and bottom.

Hope the xrays and stuff go ok

Lau xx

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 4:47 am
by dramaqueendaisy
Hey Drama Queen (cool choice of name btw! 8) )

You are the only other person I've come across so far with ceramics top AND bottom...hurray! :-88 How are you finding them?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 12:44 pm
by Ready2go43
Hi Louise,nice to hear from another UK resident,we appear to catching up with the rest of the world slowly.I was advised that Damons would suit my treatment better and so far I have had no problems,apart from a couple of brackets popping off,but they are comfortable(I have not had braces before so I cant compare brackets) but only needed wax on one bracket for 1st week,otherwise no problems so far.Lisa65 linked,another site I found is dont know how to add links)I have used them both and would recommend both of them,they are really helpful and quick delivery,if you dont see something you need,give them a ring as they dont show everything on website.Good luck with everything,hope you soon get sorted out,by the way your quote was a lot less than I paid :-+ oh well thats life,good luck :thumbsup:

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 2:57 am
by Drama Queen
Hey Drama Queen Daisy (Great minds think alike!) :)

It is incresingly unusual to find someone with ceramics top and bottom, I was never offered anything different so I assumed if people choose cermaics that had them on both arches!

I am finding the cermaics top and bottom fine, apart from the usual pain and self confidence issues, there has been no major problems.

How do you find them?

Lau xx

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 3:38 am
by dramaqueendaisy
I love mine! Well, they're a pain in the bum at times of course but I'm really chuffed with the way they look :-#) . I've read all sorts of things about chipped canines and slower treatment times with ceramics but that remains to be seen. I do alot of acting :jokerlaugh: so my ortho suggested the ceramics and you can't tell they're there on stage...although speaking certain sounds is tricky at times but I'm getting on top of that. I have white wires about you?

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 4:22 am
by Drama Queen
I have read a lot about slower treatment times etc but my ortho never mentioned this to me when he showed me the options, full metal, full ceramics or the lingual braces. He just said that it was up to me to choose. I would have like to go for the lingual ones but it they were way out of my price range plus I was worried that I would have a lot of trouble talking them them.

I haven't had any chipped canines. The only little problem I had was that one of the brakets popped off 6 weeks after they were put on but 9 months down the line everything has been fine.

I choose the ceramics as I wanted them to be discreet as possible, some people have noticed them but others, who have talked to me for months, are shocked when I talk about my braces as they didn't even notice.

I had white wires for the first 2 months, which was great as it all really blended it, but as the treatment has progressed I have metal wires. Am currently wearing elastics as well to correct my bite. I have clear ligs and am so careful about what I eat for fear of staining them - I know people say that I could avoid the staining by going for coloured ligs but I want to keep everything as discreet as possible. Have you got clear ligs?

I still have trouble with a few words and feel like I lisp but sometimes I feel like it is all in my head!

How long are you in braces for?

Lau xx

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 4:59 am
by dramaqueendaisy
I had a metal wire at first on the bottom but now I'm all white. I have clear ligs too and they were going well yellow as I came up for my first adjustment but I had new ones put on then so they're squeaky clean at the mo...not for long though! I try hard to avoid staining foods (I drink red wine through a way am I giving that up!) I may have some coloured ligs in the future but not when I'm doing a's Shakespeare too so I need to play the 21st century dental work down...!

I have an overbite and my front top 4 teeth stick out due too thumb sucking as a child. My ortho hasn't mentioned elastics but I presume I'll have to have them at some the moment I'm still in the early stages so it's just basic wires. I think my sentence will be 2-3 years ( :shock: ) but I haven't had an update on that since my first consultation. 18 months sounds like a dream(although it probably doesn't feel like it to you) lucky thing! :-)o

When I say 'f' I's ridiculous!

Joanna X

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 6:09 am
by Drama Queen
I drink a lot of things through straws to prevent staining, I always have a supply with me, it brings no end of amusement to my mates when I reach into a bag and produce a straw for my drinks no matter where we are!

I have an open bite, which is due to an upper tongue thrust and some mild crowding on my upper and lower front teeth. I did originally have braces when I was 14 to correct my open bite, but as the years went on I wasnt told that I had to wear my retainer for the rest of my life all my teeth moved and at my initial consult at the start of this journey my ortho said that they would just keep moving - so I took the decision to go through it again (though sometimes I wished that i hadn't!) and when they are eventually off I will wear the retainers for the rest of my life to make sure that i dont have to go through this again.

sometimes 18 months does feel like a lifetime, but hopefully I have come to the half way point so not long to go now. Though I have trained myself not to pin my hopes on an 18 months release date just in case it goes over that. It is hard to believe but time does fly I dont feel like I have had them for 9 months it only feels like yesterday that they were put on. The best thing to do is to just focus on the end result and think of it as just a minor imperfection.

I have trouble with "s" and "f"

Lau xx

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 4:18 pm
by mikecl
Just wanted to say that I am another UK newbie and have been wearing ceramic/clear uppers for one whole week !

I will also be getting a lower brace in the next couple of months and the plan was to stick with ceramic brackets.

Since I have been wearing the upper brace, I am sure people have spotted them but no-one has said anything ! It's like they can see them but they are not sure whether they have been there for ages or are new and they are the ones afraid to mention anything.


Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 4:05 am
by Drama Queen
Welcome Mike,

Its nice to have another UKer on the board and an all ceramic one at that.

Lau xx

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:58 pm
by Dr Jon Harrow
:) Hi Friends
Another ceramic uppers and lowers here...but only until this tuesday :( , then because of my overbite and continued chipping of my front teeth, they are going to be changed for metal brackets, which I'm not looking forward to :cry:
I'm expected to have the braces for 24- 30 months and also now have a bite plate :oops: , which makes talking rfeally diicificulbt, befleifve mfe!!
The other ortho is now talking about surgery to correct the overbite :cry: , so something else to look forward to.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 2:48 am
by LouiseUK
Thanks for all the advice guys!

Ready2go43 - I'm in Northern England so we generally get things cheaper up here! :lol:

I've had to cancel my appointment for x rays, impressions etc as I have an exam that day, so going early July for them now.