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Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:49 pm
by jalapeno
I can't think of anything I used to eat that I can't now with braces. All my meals are the same as before and I still eat choccy bars.

After adjustments is a different story though.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:57 pm
by braced4asmile
Instead of having a pre-brace meal, I had a pre-brace week of meals! Each day, I picked something I loved and thought I would crave during my time behind bars. Suddenly, I craved everything, even things I didn't like! So I had lots of Doritos, tacos, corn on the cob, whole apples, carrots, etc. Then, I went to the grocery store and stocked up on fun soft food like pudding, ice cream, etc. I figure I'm only going to do this once (cross those fingers!) so I might as well enjoy it and do it up right. It was kind of fun thinking of things to eat and enjoy while you can!

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 5:57 am
by Supermax
A giant sized bowl of extra butter popcorn..... oh how I sooooooo miss is in fact the only thing besides caramel toffees that I just haven't managed to eat....and it will be the first thing I eat when I get disbanded!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 7:17 am
by MissDiana
seriously: ...I can only imagine how caked up it would get on the brackets and how terribly embarrassing it would be at dinner in with other people! I'd look like a ghoul with rotting teeth! :oops:

I am trying to be aware of what I can eat in public and what I can't!
seriously, I know this is going to sound crazy but I am telling you most people won't notice!

I was out to dinner last week with a guy I've only been seeing a few weeks. After we ate I got up to go check my teeth in the bathroom and he actually stopped me and said "BABE, you do know I had braces, right? I swear I will tell you if you need to take care of something, it's not a big deal!"

I mean, yeah, you wouldn't want to walk around with a big glob of something caught on your bracket, but 90% of the time a good swish of water takes care of any problems!

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 8:15 am
by mindykatz
For my last pre-braces dinner, I ended up going to the diner (nothing special there - I'm usually there 3-5 times a week..I'm a total diner monkey :BigGrin: ). I got mozzarella sticks and a rueben with fries. So I guess I didn't do anything special, but I enjoyed it anyway :D . I haven't gotten the nerve up yet to try mozzarella sticks with the braces...something about hot stringy cheese getting all wrapped up in my brackets and thanks! Maybe I'll get a little braver in a few weeks :wink:

And I will totally miss corn on the cob. I made some the other night on the grill and cut the kernals off of one so I could eat it. It just wasn't the same :-((

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:55 am
by dubnobass
Treacle toffee, and peanut brittle. Maybe a toffee apple to sneak one of your 5-a-day in there. You may be able to eat practically all other foods with braces, but not these!

I dunno, maybe you never eat them anyway :D , but I would love to be able to eat a big craggy lump of treacle toffee at the moment :(

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 2:56 pm
by mindykatz
hehe well I've never really seen "treacle toffee" over here in the US. The term "Treacle toffee" is one of those things we hear on movies that are based in the UK but we never actually eat, hahaha. Toffee apples I think I've seen maayybbee once....we usually just have caramel apples and candy apples.

What is treacle toffee anyway? Is it like peanut brittle without the peanuts? Sounds pretty good! Now I'm intrigued.....not that I can eat it until 2009 anyway lol! :huh:

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 5:11 pm
by Lil Sunshine
My last meal was also my husbands birthday supper so we had what he loves, burgers and fries. Mind you this was a huge burger soaked in terriyaki sauce with pineapples on top. MMMM it was really good.