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Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 12:58 pm
by cece
I had/have 2 baby teeth w/o permanents behind them (both the 5th tooth from the front, so not as in front as yours). One on the upper right is still hanging on but only by a on the bottom left I lost in 7th grade due to it cracking and being extracted.

My bottom teeth shifted over the years trying to fill in the space. Midline way off and unsightly gaps getting worse as I got into my 30's. My ortho has opened the space at the bottom for an implant and did not even bracket the baby tooth at the top b/c it wouldn't have been able to handle it. Once the braces are off, I will get the baby extracted and get implants in both spaces.

Good luck to you whatever you decide!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 2:36 pm
by G's Mom
Cece, did you get evaluated first to see if implants for each missing tooth would be a suitable option for you? The orthodontist I saw gave me a couple of cards for dentists he trusts who could do the implants or veneers if I went that route, but I did not understand if I was supposed to go see them first, before I make my deicsion, or later. I know from reading a thread others directed me to that sometimes implants don't work out, then, I suppose a bridge would be the next option?

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:42 pm
by Betty Bat
Well, you didn't ask me but I'll respond anyway!

I got evaluated first for implants, before I got my braces. My regular dentist gave me recommendations for the implant guy (don't know what his title is), a couple of ortho's and a couple of oral surgeons. I went to the implant guy, the ortho and the oral surgeon, in that order, with a few trips to the regular dentist to get an overall assessment and some coordination on things.

If you haven't gone to an implant specialist, maybe you should. You might be worrying about something that may not happen!

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:59 pm
by G's Mom
Thank you for explaining how you went about it all, Betty Bat. That makes sense. (The question was for anyone who can answer not just CeCe, but I am new to posting on a message board and don't know (have not taken the time) to figure out how to look at all previous posts except the very last one while I am actually replying to remember who said what.)

And it does sound like I should get evaluated first to see if implants are even an option before I agonize further! It is nice to have a place where I can get input from people who have been there, done that.