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Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:43 am
by metaljen
Meryaten, Whitters, and KK: it's wonderful to see the changes... at first I was checking out my teeth EVERYDAY for about a week, and it suddenly dawned on me, if I just take a detailed look every now and then, the delayed gratification will be better! :P Anyhow, I was surprised to see changes so fast, especially in my lowers, but definetly pleased. Things have slowed down a bit, but while my treatment is to last 22-24 months, I'm really trying to use mental energy and I'm believing for a FASTER time! I don't know if I'll get it, but I definetly think there's something to mental energy and focus :wink: But I won't be too dissappointed if it still takes 22-24 months, what's a few more months when you've been wearing them for 20, I think?

Acehigh: congrats on no extractions! LOL about the "panic button", I found myself saying "I wonder if I should have done this" especially after people kept saying "Why did you get braces, I never noticed your teeth were crooked..." My panic button was *almost* pushed on the day I went in to get the brackets placed... I almost cried! I think my ortho could tell... but he's a guy and I guess guys look at it differently. He just kept telling me that my results would make it all worth it, that once I'm done I'll never ever be ashamed to smile :D so that's what I remind myself of every now and then. Good luck with your progress, you're 1/4 of the way through! Have you posted pics?