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Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:28 pm
by jordanna
I'm in Alberta, Canada and mine are $6000 from start to finish all fee's included

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 4:20 pm
by ohmyjaw
I am in Canada and I don't think $7000 is excessive. I got three quotes, and the range was $6200 to $7000. I ended up choosing the guy who quoted me $6200, but it had nothing to do with the price; he was the one I liked the best!

I wonder if it varies much depending on where you live - I am on Vancouver Island.

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 1:05 pm
by TeresaTX
Texas here and I was quoted from 3K to 6K from different orthos...the one I chose was towards the top 5500 but I've been happy with the service and care so I assume the differences were valid. I was also quite lucky to have insurance that kicked in 2K so my out of pocket was reasonable.

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 2:41 pm
by katmc_tx
Hi, from Texas too. I went to my ortho because I knew prior paitients and was impressed with her work on those people. I paid $5,100.00 usd and that included time up to 2 years, upper & lower metal braces, retainers and a free consultation. I'm very happy with my finished results and with ortho/staff.

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 3:37 pm
by knittingbag
Hello. I'm new to the forum, but Canadian, so can offer you the price point that I'm in.

My total orthodontia is about 7600.00 canadian. My son received braces from the same ortho about 3 years ago and the cost was the same.

It is the same treatment course that you describe...2 years, adjustments every 6-8 weeks.

I'm in the GTA in Ontario. Don't know if that makes a difference, but my discussions with other parents here regarding the cost of their kids braces have confirmed comparable costs.

Dragging it out over the years makes it easier to swallow though!

Babs =^..^=

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 5:59 pm
by KK Cat
First Euro contributor to the post here :) I'm in Ireland and the total cost of my treatment will be 4750 Euro (using todays exchange rate that's 6486 CDN$, 6870 US$ and 3300 GB£). (Metals top and bottom, records, 1st retainer). No insurance cover but luckily because of the tax bracket I am in I will be able to reclaim 41% of the cost when I am finished. I paid 800 Euro for the initial consultation and records and then it's 500E per quarter thereafter. Worth every penny and more :lol:

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 9:33 am
by TigerLily
KK Cat - just wondering how you claim back tax on your braces..?? Do you have a special type of job (like a model) or is it some other way? I'm just wondering whether I'd be able to do it in some way (had not occurred to me) though I know Eire is probably tax friendlier than the UK.

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 10:12 am
by Lisa65
Sadly, there's no tax relief in the UK on private health care, whether you self-fund or go through a private health insurance scheme.

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 12:48 pm
by KK Cat
TigerLily wrote:KK Cat - just wondering how you claim back tax on your braces..?? Do you have a special type of job (like a model) or is it some other way? I'm just wondering whether I'd be able to do it in some way (had not occurred to me) though I know Eire is probably tax friendlier than the UK.
:biglaf: Me a model :biglaf: if only you could see me right now (hee, hee, I probably weigh more like 2 of todays models!) No, it's nothing to do with your job. In Ireland one of the tax credits you can claim is Health Expenses and orthodontic treatment is an allowable expense and you can claim a refund of tax at the highest rate paid. I can't claim for routine dental treatment or hygienist, but still 41% of 4750 euro is not to be sniffed at.

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 1:01 pm
by Lisa65
It sure isn't, KK. I wouldn't have minded 41% back of what I shelled out!

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 2:56 pm
by iBorg
I'm in West Virginia and my total is $6200 all inclusive. That did include $300 for upper ceramics. (Whole lot of good that did ME.) My ortho called my case from day one complex due to things done my first round of braces. When I decided that I'd like to fill in where I had extractions with implants, there was no change to the fee nor did she try to persuade me against it. This has included pictures, molds and numerous bite plates. I've had several emergency appointments due to brackets popping without and harsh words. Dr. P is reputed to be the best in the are for adults especially with TMJ. I can look at her and other's orthodontic final results and tell a difference.

Yes she is higher, but I believe my care has been worth it.

She did give us a discount for my son. I expect she'll give us one for our daughter although her case is much more complex than mine.


cost and evil ortho

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 7:26 pm
by mariahfromchicago
mine is $2800 (US dollars) out of pocket. Insurance covered $1500 (US dollars)

My orthodontist is evil!!! He hates me because I am from Chicago.

I like imitating accents a lot, so then I chose to imitate a Canadian accent.

He also hates me because of my mixed racial background.

I cry whenever I leave that office.

His treatment may cost less, but when you are miserable, you'd rather pay more and get a nicer orthodontist.

- mariah
"I hope i get my braces off in June 2008 for the cruise"

Braces-Costs $$

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 5:54 am
by lovesupreme08
Greetings Board,

My braces are $5680 without insurance. I have ceramic on top and traditoinal metal on the bottom with an 18month treatment time. I live in the New England area.


Empress E

Re: cost and evil ortho

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 12:00 pm
by Miss Smiley
mariahfromchicago wrote:mine is $2800 (US dollars) out of pocket. Insurance covered $1500 (US dollars)

My orthodontist is evil!!! He hates me because I am from Chicago.

I like imitating accents a lot, so then I chose to imitate a Canadian accent.

He also hates me because of my mixed racial background.

I cry whenever I leave that office.

His treatment may cost less, but when you are miserable, you'd rather pay more and get a nicer orthodontist.

- mariah
"I hope i get my braces off in June 2008 for the cruise"
Maybe you need to leave your ortho.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 8:18 pm
by Skinny
here in the midwest it can range $4,500 - 8,000 depends on the office and Dr you go too.
It help I work at a dental office too so I know all the costs and I can see 1st hand who is good and who isnt.