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The big B-day for three please? lilfoot, wiredgrin & Jen

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 9:06 am
by wiredgrin
Welcome Jendz, how cool we are three and so many more on this board to supporting our journey. Looks like lilfoot bravely leads the way to the orthodontist chair at 8:30 and I know for myself deciding to get braces as an adult was a big decision. But then we have to wear them. In public. For a year or two. Yikes! I wanted to invite you two to start thinking of questions a My First Day in Braces story to post. Here are some ideas that I found from archived Archwired material that do set the groundwork but seem to get swept away:

What will your coworkers say? What will your family think? Just how embarrassing is this going to be? Will you be able to cope with everyone seeing braces on your teeth? Not to mention -- the feeling of having them in your mouth?!

On the last one, I have heard various analogies but the one that stands out seems a bit foreboding! Even the toughest among us like lilfoot here? She is determined I can tell! One entry for how braces feel at first says:
"The first day, it may not hurt too much. The second and third days, it may feel like somebody hit you in the teeth with a baseball. Take a pain reliever like Ibuprofen (Motrin/Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) and try to chill out. It will get better!"
Hope you two can contribute some more ideas? :roll: :roll: Help me out with ideas and I will start a thread for us? Thanks and welcome to the line leading to the orthodontist Jendz! Unless your appointment is earlier than Lilfoot's Jendz she will be leading the way! I am developing a pretty good case of cold feet even though Lilfoot is the one in the snow! :shock:

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 7:47 pm
by Jendz
Hi Widegrin,

It is so nice to know that I am not going through this alone, we have lots of company for our special B-day :D . My appointment is actually at 8:00 am Tuesday morning (I can't believe I scheduled this so early, but I wanted to get it done before work). Somehow I am dreading the decision of heading straight to work after getting 'braced'. :(

I will get some pics beforehand of the 'before' but only because I am so excited to show the 'after' pics someday (I just hate pics of me because of my teeth, it's always the first thing I notice). I love the questions you listed, I will def have answers for you Tuesday evening- I know my co-workers will have many comments, I have tried to prep them a little to minimize the shock.

FYI- I live in MI- we are in the middle of an ice storm, brrr....

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 7:18 pm
by lilfoot1112
:banana: Are we all ready for are chair ride tomorrow? And to come out on the other end with are new grins? :pinkbraces:

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 7:43 pm
by browneyedgrl
Hi lilfoot1112, Wiredgrin and Jendz,

Good luck tomorrow on your b-day and have a pain free journey!

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 4:15 am
by braces38
good luck

Good Luck wishes

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 6:07 am
by wiredgrin
Thanks to KK, LateStarter, iBorg, browneyedgrl, and braces38 we are here at B-day. I am up early trying to prepare myself for a procedure I never thought in a million years I would be undergoing! Last minute jitters and of course I still work before heading to the orthodontist and that wait in the reception area! I know that Tuesday is a busy day and the afternoons especially so but I didnt want to take time from work, maybe I should have. There are some other newbies coming up so lets support them. Help! I mean Thanks! :roll: :shock: No where to run and no where to hide once I check in there and type my name in. It will show full banding right on the screen there so maybe thats a good time to faint? Just kidding!

A new grin appears

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 9:44 am
by lilfoot1112

As of 9:35am I got my new and beautiful grin that I'm prond to show

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 10:04 am
by Miss Smiley
Geez, looks like you've already had them for half a year! Cheers to a problem free treatment!

Lilfoot's new smile

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 11:56 am
by Jendz
Yea for Lilfoot's new smile :D

They look great and you should be proud- you are on your way to a super duper looking smile (which already looks pretty super already).

Was it painful? Did they do both the top and bottom this morning?

Congrats on the new smile!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:14 pm
by Beckster
Your new braces look great!! :D Here's to a nice painless rest of your day and maybe a nice frozen ocean or 2 this evening!

Congrats Lilfoot!

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 2:49 pm
by wiredgrin
I am in the waiting room and I got to see your pic before I go in today for the full banding treatment! Looks great, you are happy I bet. Take care and I will check back. Waiting to be called back to the treatment room now. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 5:56 pm
by LateStarter
Congratulations on making a start, lilfoot! You look great! And good luck to the others having their b-day today :)

Re: Lilfoot's new smile

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 5:20 pm
by lilfoot1112
Jendz wrote:Yea for Lilfoot's new smile :D

They look great and you should be proud- you are on your way to a super duper looking smile (which already looks pretty super already).

Was it painful? Did they do both the top and bottom this morning?

Congrats on the new smile!!!
:pinkbraces: Thank you. It didn't hurt at all just some pressure when they put the wire in. How did you b-day going? :D

How is the new smile?

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 12:53 pm
by Jendz
Just wondering how Wiredgrin is doing? How did the braces go? Tell us about your adventure :D

Lilfoot- no braces for me on b-day, I ended up with 8 spacers instead- not fun. Today my teeth were bleeding, pretty miserable but will be out soon- My brace day is monday, I can't wait!! How are you doing with your braces?

Latestarter has her braces on also- was there anyone else getting braced this week? What about next week- anyone getting braced on Monday?

there on the move

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:04 pm
by lilfoot1112
:) Hey Jendz
So sorry that you didn't get your braces yet I know spacers are a real pain in the :yikes: A**. I wish you had my Ortho. he uses buccal molar brackets. My teeth are on the move! When they put them on it didn't hurt at all it just felt different with all the new stuff in my mouth.
I have to admit that about 12hours :shock: after I got the uppers and lowers on. I felt like I've been hit :huh: in the mouth I was pretty much in tears by the end of the night and didn't want to talk to my hubby cause it hurt to much, but I have to say the tips on here are great :-* and I'm still kinda on soft foods and anything cold but it's a lot better :dance: . I haven't heard from Wriedgrin I hope he is well?