Do all orthos give you a choice?

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Location: Raleigh, NC

#16 Post by loyaboya »

You guys raise a lot of good points. I guess choosing a doctor is really like entering a relationship! Communication is #1. I've left other types of doctors before because I didn't feel that they were listening to my concerns.

I'll take my time with this one. I was supposed to have a consultation today with a different doctor, but I've come down with a tonsil infection (occurred within hours of my monday visit! Coincidence...?). We'll see how it goes. But its nice to read everyone's stories of their selection process.

Also, yeah, one thing I've definitely learned in my short time reading this board is that "brackets don't move teeth". Thats really important. I guess my preference for upper ceramics was more aesthetically based than anything. But if I meet a doctor that I'm comfortable with that recommends a different style, I'm going to go with their recommendation.

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#17 Post by LateStarter »

Definitely get some other opinions, particularly if you felt rushed with the first ortho you saw. I think it's worth taking a bit of extra time to get the process started if it means you find the ortho that makes you feel completely comfortable with what's going to happen.

My ortho did give me choices with my braces, in terms of whether I wanted metal or clear brackets. As for the brand, he uses Damon and ICE brackets, so there wasn't really any choice there. But from the reading I've done about them, I'm happy to go with that.

It's odd, because when I decided to get braces, I definitely wanted the least visible brackets that I could get (ICE in my ortho's case), but now I've changed my mind, and opted to go the all-metal route (I think - I still have a week to decide ;) ).

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Location: Raleigh, NC


#18 Post by loyaboya »

I just wanted to update everyone!

I did end up getting a second opinion by a Doctor recommended to me by a member of this site (shout out to MsTiaLia!). I greatly preferred this Dr. to the one I'd spoken to before. He seemed more confident and conscientious. He also wants to remove 4 teeth, but he wants to do it after we begin treatment so that its less of a shock to me (I REALLY appreciate that). He encouraged me to ask questions and just was an all around nice person to deal with. His staff was great too. And as a bonus, he quoted me a price that was $1100 cheaper than the other doctor. Oh! AND he offers 6 ceramic brackets for a very small additional fee. Thats exactly what I wanted. So I'm very happy and very excited!

I'm going to start treatment with this orthodontist! I need to get some cavities filled next week and then I'll probably get my spacers put in during the second week of January. I can't believe its all happening so quickly!

Thanks for your help, guys!

Miss Smiley
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Location: Sunny SoCal

#19 Post by Miss Smiley »

Loya - I'm glad you found an ortho that you were comfortble with! Congratulations!
Upper and lower 1st premolars extracted
Uppers braced 4/6/07 & Lowers braced 4/20/07
ceramic brackets and rectangular arch wires
Est. term: 30-36 months
De-banded: 3/04/09 w/ LBR and U&L Essix

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