When seeing people should I bring up the subject? New braces

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Re: When seeing people should I bring up the subject? New br

#16 Post by bracesafter40 »

I'm proud of my new braces, is that weird?

Anyway, when meeting up with casual acquaintances should I mention my braces, they do notice but don't say anything.

With close friends I do bring up the subject.
Invariably it comes up anyways...Yes they do notice, but some are dont want to say anything as they thing your subconscious of it. I meet three groups of people a few times a year and they dont bring it up as I'm in a group setting.

But if they ever do I am willing to chat about it. Just bring it up casually when you talk about what to eat, etc. Or if you see that someone has really straight teeth ask if they ever had braces; most people have.
Bridge Sectioned: Feb. 14, 2007
Last Pre-braces cleaning: Feb. 20, 2007
#21 Extraction: Feb. 20, 2007
Sentenced: 32 months
Top Braced: Feb 28, 2007
Bottom Braced: Apr. 4, 2007
New Ortho on Apr. 25, 2008
May 6; fluorescent blue ligs incl. upper powerchains. 2 elastics; Sept. 2, 2008.
Next Adj.: July 7, 2009 at 8:30a

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B-day less than 24 hours, be proud?

#17 Post by wiredgrin »

I am so glad you are proud of your metal mouth I wish I had your aplomb! Starting tomorrow about this time would be nice!

Are we supposed to just ignore the fact that this is a big deal for us? Well heck no! Listen, this is a major change in your appearance, and it can be quite uncomfortable. You are entitled to feel weird about it!
However, I still think you should consider this quote from an Archwired contributor: "...men tend to feel dorky or geeky with braces. Women tend to feel either unattractive or teenage-cute. Either way you slice it, it spells: Self-conscious! Some adults don't care what other people think. If that describes you, then you've cleared a major hurdle."
eager After years in denial and finding this site of thoughtful people I am trying to gear up for this journey as a learning experience in and of itself. Yes, I will be posting my First Day in Braces story, something I never thought I would be doing! But a more timley question will be whether I prove strong enough to “laugh it offâ€

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Re: B-day less than 24 hours, be proud?

#18 Post by bracesafter40 »

Interesting thoughts wiredgrin. I look forward to your first day in braces story. Here is mine: http://bracesafter40.blogspot.com/2007/ ... s-day.html.

The way I see it is this: I gotta wear them for at least 2.5 years, why traumatize myself all that time? This too shall pass...Life is short, live it!

PS: Your lips will fit over your teeth, it is one of the first thing we learn once we get braces, LOL.

metal mouthed and proud :-).
Bridge Sectioned: Feb. 14, 2007
Last Pre-braces cleaning: Feb. 20, 2007
#21 Extraction: Feb. 20, 2007
Sentenced: 32 months
Top Braced: Feb 28, 2007
Bottom Braced: Apr. 4, 2007
New Ortho on Apr. 25, 2008
May 6; fluorescent blue ligs incl. upper powerchains. 2 elastics; Sept. 2, 2008.
Next Adj.: July 7, 2009 at 8:30a

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