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Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 7:24 pm
by Betty Bat
I'd stick with the "less-metal" option also. I had sapphire uppers and to tell you the truth, I never really knew what color ligs I had! It was never an issue - didn't worry about staining and I would never wear brightly colored ligs. So I always got something that was clear or off-white, as far as I could tell.

Having metal lowers and Sapphire uppers, I would say that I would prefer as little metal on the uppers as possible!

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 7:56 pm
by kittymeow84
I'm really liking all this praise for the In-Ovation C brackets! The less conspicuous the better I say!

I would definitely choose no ligs - even though I'm not braced yet...I just want small and unnoticable....Always been a bit of a minimalist! :lol:

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 8:39 pm
by HotWired22
I have upper ceramics and have Pearl colored ligs and they havent stained at all. Not sure how long it takes for ligs to stain but mine are the same color they were when I got them on. The assistant said they use Pearl just for that reason because they don't stain like the clear and white ones do.

I love my ceramics and ligs and no one even notices them and you can't see them in pictures :D

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 8:47 pm
by juliejewels
I am getting my braces Friday morning and am getting the ceramic with no ligature. My ortho said the small amount of wire would be covered by my arch wire. (sorry if my lingo is not right yet). I am/was extremely worried about staining because I love my coffee and red wine.

Now I am wondering if I should have gotten the kind with silver ligabands. Hope I am making the right decision.

I will have silver on the bottom ( I so wish it could be the clear) but that is another topic for another post I guess...

I cannot wait until Friday.

Julie :D

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 8:46 am
by acd
I have mystiques with neo-clips on my upper teeth and have not had any staining problems but becasue of the clips being white I think they are more noticeable. If I had it to do all over I think the most important thing would be to have a smaller bracket that doesn't irritate the inside of my mouth as much.

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:22 am
by MissDiana
I have ceramic on top and I've recently started getting light blue ligs ... they look surprisingly discreet AND have the added advantage of actually making my teeth look whiter :) Also, I eat, well, everything that stains, basically: Coffee, soy sauce, tomato based soups and gravy, etc., and the light blue ligs withstand it all pretty well.

Can't beat that, now, can you?

Honestly, I thought the sliver/gray ligs were the best, but now I'm all about the baby blues.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 4:47 pm
by TigerLily
Well, given those two options, I'd have to go for the no lig option, I think.

However, I have ceramics with what I believe are called wire ties and this would be my preferred option over the two options provided. Unless there's something about the wire ties that I don't know about.
(I had been getting geared up after reading this board on what colour ligs to get, so on my brace day was disappointed not to get the choice. My ortho said she always used the metal ones on adult patients as they don't stain).

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 5:22 pm
by NikkiB
Thought I would throw my two cents in here. I somehow during the reposition process ended up with a combination of both Innovation-C and clear ceramic. On a comfort level, I prefer the ligature brackets. When you have patients whose teeth you are pulling back after an extraction or are trying to rotate, sometimes the sire doesn't want to engage as easily thus making it harder to get that little door shut. I know this from experience.

I have noticed slight discoloration with the ligatures but not enough to make me want to switch. If I had the choice I would have all ligature brackets. The doors can sometimes put a "sensitive" patient on the edge of their seat when shutting when changing wires.

Hopefully this was of some help. :D

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 5:57 pm
by Tipped
Great question. Being extremely new at this I can tell you that on the very first round they put on clears and after the first 6 weeks to me they were quite notably stained (primarily coffee in this instance). Seems they automatically put on "pearl" (or off-white or even ceramic), color as below. So far 5 weeks in, to my eye nothing changed colorwise since installation. Maybe very slight but definitely not like the clears at all. Go with the off-whites, completely blends in with the bracket. :D


Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:41 am
by islandbabe715
I'd prefer the less metal option because if you are trying in the first place to make your braces less noticable and pay extra money for it, why would you want it to be half way noticable with the wire?
Just my two cents

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 12:59 pm
by Thathrill
I have regular ceramic brackets. I had ligs during the first 6 months. after that its just been power chains. all of which have either been clear, white, or pearl. I don't avoid food due to staining and I don't eat a ton of staining foods except tomato based pasta sauce, coffee and red wine. I notice some staining but its hardly ever noticeable to other people and barely noticeable to me. I go 6-8 weeks between adjustments.

If I had to choose it all over again, Id stay with the ligs as staining isn't a issue with me.

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 11:42 am
by Dimples
I have ceramic uppers, and I get pearl colored ligs to avoid minor staining from the clear lig's. Staining depends on your eating habits.

The pearl ligs are just fine :D