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Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:37 am
by purpleteeth
I totally understand about the wedding pictures and such and my ortho even mentioned it during my initial consultation this would be a possiblity for me if this were to come up during my treatment. I wasn't worried about it, but because I am an adult with braces - I guess he wanted to put my mind at ease.

I don't understand how braces would impact getting pregnant and having a family though? The only thing I have heard is that your teeth can move when you are pregnant and such, possibly destroying the work you have had done during orthodontics... The baby can also take needed nutrients and such, but I guess I am missing something about how having braces can impact starting a family???

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 12:04 pm
by loulou123
I think braces only effect what you do in everyday life if you let them.

Id rather be photographed on any occasion in my braces, then i wouldve done with my crooked teeth before having them on. I know its not quite the same but i was chief bridesmaid at a wedding last year and didnt even think about my braces.

dont let it stop you

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 1:10 pm
by JML0090
As you can see my avatar is my wedding photo. I had crooked teeth at my wedding but smiled all day. I still look back at the photos and dont care about my teeth. I was so happy that day and the photos just bring back the memories about that day( not the way my teeth looked). Although i have never been that bothered by them being a lil crooked. I just think that it shouldnt be a big deal. Your comitment to each other and happiness for years is what matters.

Have your hair colored and styled or get a make up artist to do your make up. You can still be beautiful with braces!!

Its clear that he loves you the way you are in braces. If he proposed to you while you had them on on then its doesnt stop him from wanting to marry you so whay should it stop you from the wedding?

Best of luck


Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 1:48 pm
by ash0708
I have the exact opposite problem. I got married in July '06 and braces on in April '07. I had an overjet at the time of my wedding, and in almost every picture I look at, all I can see is my overjet. :( Many of you would think I was crazy if you saw my pictures, as most of my family does, but I hate many of the pictures (especially profile pictures where the overjet is more noticable). My wedding pictures were what convinced me to get braces for the second time in my life. If I could go back and either get my braces earlier, or postpone the wedding until after they were off, I would do it in a heartbeat. [/i]

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:24 pm
by sksk11
Hi Anastasia12,

I totally sympathise with you on this point. I am 28, and finally looking into getting braces. I estimate that my treatment time will be up to 2 years (the link to my story is at the bottom), but the thought of how it will affect my life has been playing on my mind a lot.

I am very keen to get married, but due to money, boyfriend's career plans etc, we are not in a situation to do this at the moment. When I started looking into getting my teeth fixed, I told my boyfriend that at least it gave him 2 years breathing space on the marriage thing, as I didn't want to be a 'brace bride'. Maybe this is silly, but I feel like the whole point of having the braces is to improve my smile, and as my wedding day should be the happiest day of my life, it's likely I would be doing a LOT of smiling, and I would like the have a shiny straight set of pearly whites for this! I also couldn't justify the extra cost of having them removed and then replaced, just for one day.

The other issue is that my boyfriend is keen to start a family before he gets too far into his thirties. I don't have a problem with having braces alongside having a baby, but once a baby comes into the picture, the likelihood of having enough money to then get married is even slimmer!

Hope things work out the way you want them to though, and you get your man, and your perfect smile for the rest of your life :)

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:57 pm
by myhalo123
Ok folks I got be the one to speak honestly and say what a lot of you are thinking.

Are you insane?! Braces are holding up your life? Just get married or whatever else you want. When your dead and in a box nobody will remember or care if you had braces on at your wedding or anything else. Whats important is how you lived, the children you raised - if you have them, etc.

I am going to get heat for this post, but its got to be said I think. I would question whether your ready to get married and especially if your ready to have children. I just see a lack of maturity here that is frightening. I think instead of worrying about checking off these boxes on your list of "life to-do's", I would do a little growing up. Maybe take some time to reflect on what is really important. Too many of you ladies are obsessed with the wedding day. Its not the wedding day thats important, its making the marriage work that matters.

Don't take this as an attack, its just constructive criticism. How you react to this will really show just how mature you really are. I wish you the best.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:34 pm
by sksk11
Fair comments well made, though I think it is a little hasty to judge the maturity of people you don't even know, especially when you don't know what people may have been through in life.

I agree that marriage is about more than just the day itself etc etc, but the wedding day is supposed to be a day that celebrates you making a life-long commitment to one person, and as such, I think it should be a day that you remember and cherish forever. Whether this is a small ceremony, or a lavish all singing all dancing bells and whistles affair, you want to feel good on the day, and if having brace-free straight teeth adds to your enjoyment of the day, and your enjoyment of the pictures for years to come, then I don't think it is right to judge that.

Maybe it is superficial and petty, but for some people, having their teeth straightened is also about self esteem, and if you take the time to read some of the braces stories, you can see that it is something that some people really lack.