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Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:58 pm
by Miss Smiley
You know....I guess I can see why braces can be missed, because I constantly find myself playing with the cleats on my one molar band. They have been pushed in for comfort seeings that the ortho wouldn't need them as my other molars are bonded tubes. But the flattened cleats give me something to play with and rub my tongue over besides the backs of my front teeth.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 3:25 pm
by Twinjoy
The cleats are very annoying and getting worse every day. I have to wait till monday to call back to the orthodontist to see if the doc will clip them off for me. The parts on the outside I know I have to get used to so its not a big deal. The worst part about the cleats is I put the wax on but it always comes off when I eat so I have stopped using it. I finally have a brace date. March 7th!

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 3:58 pm
by markuhde
"The discomfort from cleats on molar bands is more than just pain - we're talking about an open wound in the mouth. If it is not necessary to continue to have the cleats, and if you're not adjusting to it, it is stupid to continue with the pain and the open wounds, since the latter factor means it poses some threat to your general health also."

I'll have to post a picture of my bands some time - if ya'll are talkin' what I think you're talking I don't see any way they could cause cuts - irritation sores if you're really sensitive maybe but sure not cuts - they're (on my bands) not and all sharp and bent inwards.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 5:50 pm
by Tin Indian
I too have those cleats on 3 of my molars. They were very sharp especially when I would suck on a piece of candy and would roll it around in my mouth. The next ajustment the assistant told me those cleats help seat the band and can be used for elastics if needed on the inside but they also help the ortho when they remove the bands. They meerly bent the cleats over a little to keep the sharp points away from my tounge and I was good to go.

i hate hate hate those little things...

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 6:54 pm
by bracieb
I have little tiny tubes to attach my lower appliance. For the couple of months before I got the appliance but had the molar bands on, it was awful. I used wax like there was no tomorrow, my tongue was cut up all the time and when I FINALLY got toughened up they put in the appliance. That was annoying but way better than the naked "razors" on the inside of my molar bands. They have been fine since, but I am nearly ready to have the appliance removed, and I am NOT looking forward to the pain again. I will definitely ask to have them bent or removed or something. I don;t want to go back to hamburger tongue, but I suppose I eventually did get used to them. My kids have them too, and they stopped complaining after a bit.

I got so I could reposition the wax using only my tongue- actually re-roll it up into a little ball and put it back on the offending thingie. Hope that isn't too gross! :lol:

OTOH, my teeth are nice and straight now and they look great!

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 9:14 pm
by Twinjoy
ok so new question about the offending cleats lol. I have been trying to use wax on them but either I don't know how to use the wax right or maybe its just cheap wax. The wax falls off while I am eating, drinking etc, I also have a terrible time getting it to stay on the appliance while I am putting it on to begin with. Anyone have tips or suggestions to make the wax stay in place? Once it is on it feels 100% better and I feel like I could eat a decent meal if I could just get the wax to stay put! Any advice would be awesome!

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:20 am
by Tin Indian
You might want to try silicone wax or keep the cleats dry before you apply the wax.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:23 am
by breal87
it is hard to keep the wax there, seriously! It is the worst spot in your mouth to place the wax. I think i said in my earlier post that my doc just shaved the cleat down smoothe... but thats only if you don't need them for rubberbands, which i didnt

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:42 pm
by Twinjoy
With my cleats I have been dealing with the pain thinking my tongue would get used to it, but its getting worse everyday instead of better. I called to my orthodontist (we only have one) and he is on leave until the begining of March. The secretary said I could go see the general dentist but I am not sure he would know what to do. I am not sure if the cleats need to stay or if they can be cut off completely. Should I deal with it for another week or should I get the dentist to shave them off?

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 6:24 pm
by Twinjoy
So I finally did it, I didn't care that my ortho was out of town or that he asked me to tough it out. It has been 20 days and when the dentist saw me he said I had such a bad ulcer that he didn't care if the ortho did need them later. He had to take them out no matter what and that it will take a couple weeks before it will go away. I am so glad that I went in, even though the ulcer is still uncomfortable it feels so much better and eating is soooo much easier. So to anyone feeling that they need to be strong and tough it out.....DON'T!

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 6:42 pm
by MsVarlene
Those cleats are terrible. I had mine pushed down with the back of a spoon. Apparently, my ortho did not mind.

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 6:00 pm
I just got my 2nd set of molar bands and I was wondering what in the he$$ is this horrible sharp "thingie" in my mouth.... man does it hurt. I am going to keep waxing up really good and hope for the best....

I am glad I found this thread on this topic cause I thought I was going crazy :shock:

I will give it a week if not better I will call my ortho... I know I am going to get rubberbands just not sure if I am going to need them there or not.... :roll: