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Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 11:06 pm
by jubba
i had my 2 lower pre molars removed after one died and i had it root filled while waiting for an appt at the ortho
he recommended having them both pulled (which i did) and when he moves them forward his plan is for my slightly impacted lower wisdoms to be able to break through (YAY!) and i'll have a full set of pearly whites again
i had no issues having the babies pulled and getting braces with the bonus of straight teeth, as bridges or implants were going to cost the same and leave me with crooked teeth!

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 7:43 am
by justkrista
I also have a retained baby tooth. I feel so horrible because its my right UPPER insicor and its very loose right now. I'm constantly thinking that its going to fall out at any moment.
I'm wainting for my first ortho appointment but it feels like its taking forever. I haven't even heard from his office yet. Will Ihave a huge gap in the front of my mouth!
Hello everyone! :oops: I'm brand new here!