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Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 10:35 am
by joney
Other side of the coin again. I've had damons for 19 months and never any trouble opening the doors.

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 10:43 am
by jenny101101
joney wrote:Other side of the coin again. I've had damons for 19 months and never any trouble opening the doors.
Glad to hear, joney! :D I did go for my first "full" adjustment(the other 2 previous appts. were bonding appts.) on Thursday and it wasn't as bad. A few teeth were sensitive when opening the doors but I knew what to expect. I got heavier wires on top and bottom....exciting!! :lol:

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 2:49 pm
by jenny101101
Oh dear, I probably shouldn't have read that, Meryaten! :? Hopefully I won't have to go down the same road...

I didn't realise until my last cleaning that I was prone to tartar(the hygenist told me I was)and she recommended I use a tartar control rinse(and a flouride at night). The only rinse I can find is Listerine brand and it burns my mouth and the alcohol dries it :soremouth: .

The only other mouthwash/rinse I've seen is Plax(I think) and it comes in green or red. Does anyone know if this would help? I'm embarrassed to admit I don't know the difference between plaque and tartar and I'm not sure what to use so I've just been using a flourinde rinse at night.... :oops:

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 5:59 pm
by kirjax
I'm sorry your debanding wasn't a pleasant experience. I hope your feeling much better now though that your braces are gone!! I think it's all worth it though, wouldn't u agree.

I too fear my debandment but then again I feared braces and they've been a piece of cake! So I'm trying not to think about it.

I just worry bc when my brother had braces removed they cracked his front tooth pulling on it. Now granted my brother most likely had some enamel wear to his teeth since he was young and wasn't great about cleaning his teeth but it still is a fear. Imagine going through all this work to have to bond a tooth in the end :? But he's the only one I've ever met that had problems every one of my friends and cousins said it was a piece of cake and not to worry.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 7:25 pm
by Pixel Witch
Meryaten wrote:I think it's that the particular design for the Damon "doors" makes them very susceptible to tartar. Now I am not for one moment accusing anyone of not brushing properly - fact is some of us just produce more tartar than others due to our particular body chemistry. Thus, some people will have no trouble, and others will have a heck of a time. I've heard it's more common for the doors on the lowers to be a problem than the uppers too. It became such an issue for Attagirl2 that, despite using a special anti-plaque rinse, the doors became too much of an issue, and her ortho switched her lower arch from Damon 3 to SmartClips. (See: viewtopic.php?p=49307)

I am a person who seems to get tartar around anything metal in the bottom of my mouth. It drives me nuts.

When I had my tongue pierced, the bottom ball that sat behind my front teeth was a magnet.

My lowers are also a magnet, I have to spend three times the maintenence on them :(