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Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:59 pm
by junkee
Wow i can't believe such losers exist! They obviously are pathetic and have no life. But honestly, I would ignore it. If you say something to your boss he will have to raise the issue with your co-workers causing more office drama and gossip prolonging the attention to your braces. Chances are in a few days it will be a non- issue. Just like with small children, when the novelty wears off so does the focus and attention. If they say anything infront of you, i would play it off like "ha ha... didn't know braces would be so entertaining for you guys... you must really have no lives"

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:40 pm
by classII
It's actually not funny, not in "playfullness" or whateve they want to call it. It'd down right rude and none of their business.

What you got to do is research harrasment laws or whatever "ailment" laws may exist in your town, and when you are encountred with their childish behavior, including your boss, laugh and say you know that's against article xxx, subtitle yyy and if I didn't mind you people making fun of me, I'd lodge a complaint :wink:

That'll shut them all up real quick.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:52 pm
by CactusZAF
I'm with ignoring them, if they don't get s reaction they'll drop it, on the other hand if you make a huge production out of it chances are it'll get even worse and people might even start making comments within earshot of you just to get a reaction.
Wow, I really wish I lived in the perfect world Snashe appears to live in, where I live and work we all poke fun at each other (maybe I'm also juvenile at 33 but if I can't have a good laugh, weather at myself or my coworkers without being vicious, then what the hell's the point of being human, you may as well be a piece of cardboard) in good humor.
When I first got my braces my boss took the piss out of me at one of our management lunches (fortunately it's a small company) and all I did was add to his comments making even more of a joke out of it, that was the last time anyone at the company even commented on my teeth. On the other hand one of my coworkers is sensitive about another type of situation in his life and he constantly gets ripped off by everyone because we know it gets him worked up.

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:53 pm
by KLC
Luckily, no one has made fun of me and, as some people mentioned, sometimes I just crack jokes about myself... it lets them know how comfortable I am with them. I don't do it to prove anything, it just sometimes is really funny :lol:

I can't help but think that anyone who is going to make fun of an adult with braces has such low self-esteem themselves... and they probably need braces too! If it comes up again, just be like, "Really? Wow, now that's mature!" and walk away. They'll get the hint.

And does anyone else have a problem with the fact that it was AviationChicks BOSS who told her this??? What kind of boss does that? Great role model there! :roll:

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 5:17 am
by Summer73
I'm 35 years old and no one has teased me but my oldest 14 year old son. He was laughing that I wouldn't be able to eat certain foods.

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 10:11 pm
by na2r4
i'm about your age too and if anything have had nothing but empathy from my colleagues, most of whom had braces in their teens. First few days are rough, i had a huge thumb size gap between my 2 front top teeth after my SARPE and it took almost a whole year for it to close. Only strangers and children (they would lock their eyes on that humongous gap of mine and wouldn't stop staring till they nearly walked into something by accident!! Lol!) would stare. Noone said a word then either. Your colleagues are just being jerks. Your going to have the best smile in there when your done. I would honestly, just wait it out a couple days before u really let them have it. Your really self-concious about it right now, its gonna take you atleast a couple of weeks 2 get used to them yourself. If in a weeks time they are still messing with you, let them know to leave you alone about it. I think they'll move on fast anyway (unless they're really immature). People tend to forget you have them in. I've heard when you have them taken off most people don't even notice or they cant put their finger on it when they see you after you have them taken off. As a matter of fact, I did the same thing to one of my friends 4got she even had braces on and didn't even notice when she had them taken off. Do be sure to say something if they don't back off though. Good luck.

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 10:24 pm
by marycotter5678
I haven't been teased by anyone yet - I should also mention I'm not working though..

There is always someone immature in a crowd and some people just follow to not be left out... I think it's very immature and lame at that age especially. But if I were you, I'd ignore it and not laugh at it or show them that you think it is funny or cute. If they ahve any brain cells they will soon realize that you aren;t laughing aling with them and that shoul make them stop - if not and it still bothers you THEN i would say somethign like "this is not easy for me as it is and u guys poking fun at me is making it so much harder - id really appreciate it if u; just drop it.."

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:05 pm
by Horton
is not america a place with strong law about troubling some1 @work like this?

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:21 am
by Abbey70
descantus wrote:"Ok then Mr perfect lets have a look at YOUR chompers then!" The smile vanished from his face in an instant but I was still able to make out his jagged ciggie-stained teeth, and took great pleasure pointing them out to everyone else. No more comments from him since :twisted:

I like that!!! Fortunately no one has made fun of me. If anything, people are really polite and asking how I'm doing with them.

I'm rethinking my previous advice to you. I think I would ignore the "game" they're playing, unless it really gets so bad it interferes with your work. Then I would talk to your supervisor.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 3:21 am
by kittenmaisey
Maybe you could join in on the bet!! Possibly names that you would prefer. Idiots like this, prey on the thought that teasing you will bring you down, and make you feel vulnerable.. dont let them win.
Maybe you could start your own stake, as to who else in your department actually needs some attention to their teeth!!

Secretly, many people will be quietly envious that you have taken the plunge.. good on you.

And good luck at the kinder-garden!!

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 7:53 pm
by acidcookie
Screw that, I'd be writing down dates and times people made the jokes and e-mail them to HR. They ARE making fun of a medical condition...that's harassment.

Lucky for me, my co-workers have been nothing but nice to me about it, occasionally asking how things are going and empathizing (several had braces at some time or other).

And if they make fun of you MORE after the complaint? That's considered retaliation.

Yes, I may be a little petty but you're an adult who spends 1/3 of your day with these people, you have every right to not feel self conscious about your braces.

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:53 pm
by yj207
Nobody has made fun of me and I always talk about how I love having them and feel like progress. Most people expressed to me how they wished they have straight teeth seeing my braces. They're probably just jealous. I would be like, "well at least I will have a perfect smile" or "its temporary but worth it" It sucks being made fun of but if you get angry it will be even more fun for them to make fun of you. Guys are kind of mean that way. Poke fun at your boss back next time and see how he reacts, if he gets offended he will probably shut up. Kind of a mean insulting joke for him to get the hint. He's not going to cry to his boss you hurt his feelings. Also you shouldn't care about what other people think, what they think doesn't really matter does it?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 1:37 am
by lovelyleo
I admit I got teased @ work at first. However, I have the type of personality that makes me be able to laugh at myself. Plus, my coworkers have told me they appreciate the fact I am doing something to correct my teeth and smile. They love seeing the progress too.

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 1:06 am
by jxds
I'm sure in a few days you'll feel much better and comfortable with your braces. I also felt depressed the first days: the initial shock, in combination with the pain and the extreme discomfort for eating all add up and is normal to feel down. Once you get used you will case much less about silly comments and most people just wants to smile wide and show them!

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:01 am
by Margie
I can't believe that your boss would be one of the people making fun!

Everyone that I work with has been very supportive and asking about my progress. I had a couple of friends at work poke fun at me but I knew they were just joking around.