Just got braces and front teeth.

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Location: USA

#16 Post by starzz »

I would not be concerned by what you describe. I still have random sensitivity that comes and goes on different teeth, even between adjustments and 20+ months into treatment. I also have cold sensitivity, especially on lower fronts (so I avoid beverages with ice). For the first few months I didn't want to bite into anything in front. However now I comfortable eating most anything (but of course not the forbidden foods), although I do feel sensitivity at times when eating.
Braced for 2 years, 11 months, 2 weeks and 5 days (the 2nd time ‘round)
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Location: Estland

#17 Post by imwiredtoo »

Hey again guys.

I've got a question
Is the archwire between the last bracket and that hook thingie supposed to be kinda loose? 'Cause when I poke it, it's not under any pressure at all, it's all moving. Should I be worried about it?


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Location: USA

#18 Post by starzz »

That doesn't sound right. Is it loose just on one side? Is a wire poking you? The archwire should be tight between all the teeth it attaches to. It happened to me that my first wire got pulled completely out of the tube on one molar bracket. You should call your ortho and get in for an extra appt to get it looked at.
Braced for 2 years, 11 months, 2 weeks and 5 days (the 2nd time ‘round)
Hawley on top, Essix on bottom

Posts: 24
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Location: Estland

#19 Post by imwiredtoo »

The archwire is kind of loose between the last bracket and the hook. The archwire kind of goes thru that hook thing as well like 5 mm. It's noticably more loose on one side, but I wouldn't say that the other one is too tight n under pressure either. I figured that the hook does not play any role in moving my teeth? There's another wire from the hook that's supposed to stop my canine teeth from moving.

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Location: Estland

#20 Post by imwiredtoo »

What are the hooks for anyway? Aren't they for the elastics and for wires, ie to stop certain teeth from moving?

Posts: 24
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Location: Estland

#21 Post by imwiredtoo »

OK, I haven't posted for quite some time now. Just wanted to let you know that I can't even remember the numbness of my teeth anymore. :D And I'm so used to with the braces now. I never imagined it would be all OK just like that, overnight. The first 2 weeks were like a horror for me.

2 weeks till my first adjustment. :wink:

I'll try to take a picture as well of my teeth, in case anyone is interested. Fun to see the progress.

Posts: 24
Joined: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:46 am
Location: Estland

#22 Post by imwiredtoo »

Hei, just wanted to say that I'm doing pretty good and my teeth are looking nicer and nicer each day, although a huge gap showed up for some time. Hopefully I'll be able to put up pics soon.

I'm going to have my next adjustment on 29th and then I'm also going to get my lower braces. I was curious, why is it that people usually get lower braces few months after they've gotten their upper ones? Is it because the movement of lower teeth is faster? Also, I've heard that braces on lower teeth hurt a lot more than the upper ones, is that true?

See ya.. :D

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