Braces: when do you get used to them?

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Location: Wisconsin

#16 Post by sdawdy »

I have one day I forget they are there and other days its all I can think about. Like today, they are driving me nuts...could be the pokey wire and wondering what a closing loop will feel like that I am getting on Tuesday, and wondering what will happen when my Ortho goes on Maternity leave. She is due in mid June. (Anyone experience this???) also, wondering what types of retainers I will be getting....gee wonder why i cant forget about them right now!!!!!


Posts: 177
Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:00 pm

#17 Post by kilikena311 »

If your ortho is a workaholic like my OB was when I was pregnant with my daughter you won't see much of a difference, LOL. Honestly though a regular maternity leave is usually 6 weeks so you may not even miss an appointment with her.

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