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Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 8:38 am
by mwic1985
I'm 24 and I will be getting braces in the next 6 months (currently wearing some retainer-like device to correct my bite, really annoying). A guy where I work has braces (he is near the end of his treatment) and he's 22.
So it's quite normal for people of our age to get braces. I am dreading having to have 4 teeth out (I have never had teeth out before, except milk teeth, of course)
I know if I don't do it now, I will regret it when I'm older.

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 10:20 pm
by newsboysgrl777
Zephyr wrote:Hi Raychno21, welcome to the board! Sorry to hear you've been having such a hard time with your braces, I've only had mine for a month now and it's getting better.

when I first got my braces (I have ceramic upper and lower) someone here recommended this braces guard thingy, it clips on to the brackets and stops your brackets tearing up your mouth. I have to say it's the best thing ever, i don't even use wax anymore, just clip that on and i'm happy!

you can get them for both metal and ceramic braces - hope it helps!! :D
YAY!!!:):) :) That was me who suggested it!! LOL :oops: I'm SO glad you got it and it's helped!! I definitely still use mine (on my bottoms) and Raychno, glad you got it, too!! SOO helpful. And WAY better than wax!! :) :) :)


Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 9:38 am
by raychno21
yayyyy thanks newsboysgrl777 they havent arrived yet but i cant wait as my mouth is in so much pain! xx

Re: thanks!

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 8:58 pm
by newsboysgrl777
raychno21 wrote:yayyyy thanks newsboysgrl777 they havent arrived yet but i cant wait as my mouth is in so much pain! xx
AWW...I'm so sorry to hear that, but I'm sure you'll get them quickly. The woman who runs this site is also owner (I think?) of and she had actually gone on vacation JUST BEFORE I placed my order. Then I was worried I wasn't going to get my order for a long time (even though the website says orders would still go out as normal, I still worried)...well, to my surprise, they came SO FAST!!! Like within a day or 2!! You'll soon be on your way to comfort!!

The one word of advise I would give, however, is take them out to eat. The food slides in there and it gets all nasty and YUCK! LOL. What I usually do is only sleep in them (since I'm about 6 weeks in to having the bottoms), and then when I wake up, I rinse them out and put them in a glass in my bathroom. Then at night, after I do my whole routine, I'll rinse them with warm water, brush them with my interdental toothbrush, and then put them in. OR, while I'm doing my routine, I'll let them soak in some listerine. (I have way too much of the stuff. I bought a 'bulk sized' bottle, then ended up switching to a generic version of ACT, so I don't use the listerine anymore. I figure this is as good a use as any ;) )

Here's to your very near comfort (covers...LOL)!!! :)