I'm thinking of backing out...

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#16 Post by Waiting2BeFabulous »

@ Lori -

Believe me, I think most if not all of us have hesitated for one reason or another. For me, the thought of the extractions was the major issue. I had to have 3 extractions and I was SCARED of it! The process, the pain, and the aesthetic result aren't nearly as bad as I imagined them to be, at ALL.

Do I absolutely LOVE my braces? Ummm.....no. I never imagined I would, despite some people on this forum who are lucky enough TO be in love with them. I've had mine on for about 6 months now and the changes have been amazing. If I didn't have some hangup about reaching into other people's mouths, I would consider a career in orthodontics, because I think it's SO FASCINATING how it all works, to be honest...

For the first week, I thought that there would be no way in H*** that I would be able to get through it. It felt completely foreign and uncomfortable, and I felt ugly and had a lisp.....I'd resigned to be utterly single, self-conscious and in waiting mode to resume a normal life until they came off. I cried, mourned...it sucked.

But....virtually nothing has changed in a negative way; it's all been positive. I've gotten used to them to a degree...not COMPLETELY but it's certainly tolerable and most of the time I really don't think about them.

Once you get them on, and get used to them (that's the key...), I think you'll be fine and you too will realize that all of the mental anxiety you had pre-braces, although understandable, was mostly in vain. If it were THAT bad, no one would do it.

Good luck, but...you probably won't need it. :-)

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#17 Post by dentalguy »

Hi, Lori

I hope everything goes well from here on in without any further complications. You sound like a phenomenoly well organised and prepared person. But I suppose that in itself is a trait that can lead to more hesitancy - someone who thinks and plans in advance is probably more likely to forsee hazards than an impulsive scatter brain. One positive you could definately take from what you've done so far is that your likely to be less unsettled by complications that do crop up; you'll most likely have agonised over all the possible eventualities whereas somebody else would be taken totally unawares.

Maybe you should talk through your anxieties with a counsellor of some sort.

Oh, on a specific point, can you take motrin before and right up until surgery?


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#18 Post by sarahlynn »

Congrats on getting through the extractions! Every day will get easier.

You will be glad that you're doing all of this - really. I chickened out and put the braces off for a year - I had already had a consultation and had gaps in my mouth where they extracted my baby canines that never came out on their own. I then found out I had to wait 6 months to switch insurances and find a new ortho who was covered under that plan, and then the time got away from me and I kept putting it off more and more. Somehow I even sort of got comfortable with the visible gaps even though I hated them.

Now that I have my braces on (2 months!) my life has resumed as fully as it was before the braces. And after this past weekend EVERYONE has seen me in them - while I am pretty comfortable in them I still get a twinge of anxiety thinking "oh no, so-and-so still hasn't seen me in them yet...." Well, we had a death in the family last week and everyone and their brother saw me in these things. Getting that out of the way was a relief.

I have already had one job interview with the braces on and it went great. I tried to put it out of my mind as best as I could and just be confident all around, and it went very well. There are also many people on here who have met a significant other after their braces went on. My husband has told me numerous times that me wearing them is no big deal to him whatsoever. He doesn't think I look that different at all. I've also had some really positive responses about them, people will ask me when I got them and they say "that's really awesome!" enthusiastically.

Do I wish that my 3 year sentence could speed up a bit? SURE :lol: But these 2 months have gone by faster than I would have imagined in the beginning. And I'm still in the novelty phase of the excitement of small movements.
Brace days:
uppers - June 11, 2009
lowers - August 27, 2009

My story - http://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtop ... highlight=

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