Went to a consultation (ready to take the plunge soon)

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#16 Post by Jethro »

I had a similar experience. One of my consultations was with an ortho in an upscale area with an office right out of Archtectural Digest...granite and technology everywhere. The cost was about 50% higher than the other two I consulted with. Ultimately, I selected one of the other orthos who has a great reputation, many years of experience, and a clean but relatively ordinary office. I'm paying $4,800 including retainers and followup for ceramic uppers and metal lowers.

As has been said here many times, any current bracket system will work effectively, it's the skill of the provder that matters most. Best of luck to you during your journey and congrats for having such great insurance!

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#17 Post by ashesgap »

The town next to base is so small that we only have the one orthodontist, so i had no choice....if i was in your shoes, i'd go with the well known high end guy. Just because he's so well known, if he had any bad marks against him, you'd know. Just my opinion. Its not about the money when it comes to fixing your teeth. Braces aren't something that you decide on based on price alone, unless they're way over priced.
Maybe you need a third consult? See some one in the middle of the two you've already seen?
29 years old
2-18-10 baby canine pulled
3-15-10 got braces
12-22-11 Moving-SO EXCITED!!
1-2-12 Meet new Ortho
1-5-12 Begin finishing treatment
3-5-12 Canine Implants...dun dun dunnnnn
4-9-12 Deband!
I had braces for Two Years and TwentyFive Days

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#18 Post by symphonix »

I am definitely going to at least another 2 more consultations. I've been trying to read about the Carriere Distalizer and see if this is a marketing ploy or if this thing is actually better than regular elastics.

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