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Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 6:46 am
by freshstart
JXDS, you are right, we do have braces on for ourselves:) The first thing so many people say to me when they see I have braces on is " I never thought you needed braces." And I'm always surprised. I know people must have seen my overbite and my one

What I'm learning from having braces it that I am far too hard and critical of myself. If you are a good, sweet and loving person people will gravitate to you regardless of having braces. I know many people who have perfect smiles, but that are not happy people and they wear that unhappiness on their face and it makes them unattractive.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 7:34 am
by VA5
So funny bc I get that a lot too.. I didn't thin u ever needed them. Which actually irritates me when people say that !!! I just don't appreciate commentary like that at all. It's so unproductive to tell me that, is what I think. Maybe they mean well by sounding like I looked fine before but to me it's like saying, u r wasting ur money and I don't get u. Which makes me feel kind of yucky when I hear that. If they tell me that before braces then it's not so bad tho, you know?