Molar Bands hard on the tongue

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#16 Post by kilikena311 »

To answer the initial question. My molar bands are completely smooth on the inside. There could be a reason though that your ortho is using molar bands that are not. On a side note though I still sometimes bite the edges of my tongue at night with my molars and the bands leave lovely marks in my tongue. This is happening less often as my arches widen out though.

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#17 Post by DrBlur »

I get my bands in 2 days so it's been interesting to read all of your experiences!
32 years old, total time in braces=30 months

-Braces and palate expander on 4/15/10
-RPE Surgery 9/15/10
-Expander removed 3/11
-Braces Removed 9/7/12
-Retainers in 9/7/12

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#18 Post by WoodWillow »

My molar bands have been in for 2 days now and the inside of mine feel like they used to have something on them that was removed. I remember the tech grinding away at something but I wasn't told what. As a result, it feels like there are sharp edges where whatever was removed was. These sharp bits have cut my tongue open. Like, blood in the sink when I try to brush my teeth. Feels like I am brushing my teeth with acid. I have wax over the entire tooth (to keep it in place) and I am unable to actually eat food where I need to chew. So far, its been Ensure and jarred peaches. I took the wax off last night and tried to eat Kraft Dinner but the pain was so bad it was hardly even worth it :( Canadian Thanksgiving is this weekend and I REALLY want to eat dinner with my family!!

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#19 Post by EstelleDeParis »

My molar bands have a tiny bump on the inside but it is enough to create the worst sore in my mouth, I can deal with the canker sores on the inside of my cheeks but the tongue ones are really ANNOYING and hurt like nothing else!

They are taking way longer to go away than any other kind of sores and nothing seems to work mainly because I can't hold my tongue out for more than 30 seconds and allow the canker sore medicine to dry >.<

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#20 Post by NervousNewbie »

UGH I have something similar on one of my molar bands on the lingual side, but mine is very sharp (sharp enough to cut my finger if I rub hard enough) and comes out a lot more. It scrapes against my tongue if I don't wear wax on it all the time. It's so large I can see it just by opening my mouth.

All of my molar bands have the regular "junk" on the outside but the one has the very sharp piece that sticks out so far on the inside, and I can't stand it!

Braced September 23, 2010
Debraced February 20, 2014
Estimated Treatment Time: 24 months
Actual Treatment Time: 41 months

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