How often do you get a professional clean with braces?

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#16 Post by hj55 »

Before I had braces my dentist would clean my teeth at the time of my checkup every 6 months. Cost £16.50. I very rarely saw the hygienist.

When I had my braces I started having appointments with the hygienist but that was included in the cost of my checkup so still £16.50.

I had additional appointments with the hygienist in between my checkup for £16.50 so my teeth were cleaned every 3 months. Now the braces are off I haven't decided whether to continue with a 3 monthly cleaning or revert to 6 monthly - I do have fixed retainers top & bottom.

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#17 Post by seriousthinker »


My dentist is fantastic and gives me a scale and polish at every 6 month check up (nhs £16 odd). He doesn't take too long doing it though. Id say 15 mins max.


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#18 Post by BraceFace2o1o »

Thank you all for your replies!

I will definitely ask my dentist at my next appointment to see what he suggests.

I'm hoping it will be a simple process, as ideally I'd like a professional clean before getting a brace and during too, just got to find out where I can get that done locally.
Braces: Metal fixed upper and lower
Estimated treatment time: 18-24 months
Braces Removed: August 2013 (after 33 months in braces)
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#19 Post by jackjack »

Since braces I get a cleaning by the hygenist every 4 months. And this is a very thorough cleaning with scaling and use of a waterpik thing that cleans under you gums and sometimes with an antibiotic fluid added to the water to help with gum inflammation. She also does a prophy at the end.

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